Instagram ask me anything

333 Trending Instagram “Ask Me Anything” Questions

Instagram is the most used social media platform these days. We all spend a lot of time scrolling its feeds. Many users nowadays are posting on Instagram ask me anything Questions to their story to open the door for their followers and remove the communication gap. This ‘ask me anything’ Instagram question is an opportunity where all the followers can ask them interesting and exciting questions to start a conversation.

There is a myth that “if you text someone directly, you will never get a reply.”So to break this myth, try these seven trending Instagram story questions, which will strike up an interesting conversation.

Trending Instagram Ask Me Anything Questions to Try in Your IG Story:

Trending instagram ask me anything questions to try in your ig story

A. Complimenting Directly on Instagram

Giving direct compliments is the most interesting, trending, and workable Idea to strike up a conversation. You can send direct compliments to anyone with whom you want to have a conversation and ask a guy you secretly like. Human nature always accepts compliments. There are a lot of ideas to compliment girls and boys. Here are a few who ask me anything Instagram questions ideas on what type of compliments will work to boost a conversation.

1. Your fashion perception is amazing, whom do you follow to style yourself?

2. The arrangement of your feed is amazing, can you help me in making me feel better?

3. Your muscles are so attractive, what kind of workout do you follow?

4. Such glowing skin you have, can I know the secret behind it? (Also ask, How can Yoga Make Your Skin Glow?)

5. Can I know the name of the filter that you use to click your pictures?

6. All colors of garments suit you, what is your favorite color in clothing?

7. Your hair is very pretty, what is the secret behind it?

8. Can you share some hacks to get glowing skin like you


B. Ask For their Instagram Favourites

Instagram favourites

All of us have some favoritism on every particular thing. The easiest and mainly used technique to start a conversation is asking questions related to a particular person’s favorite things and personal choices; this is a common way to start a conversation.

All you have to do is ask some funny yet interesting questions related to their favorite things. Everyone will surely reply about their favorite things, and you can continue the conversation related to the topic.

Here are some examples of Instagram ask me anything-related favorite things you can ask in your story.

9. Other than your original profession what is your favorite hobby that you do to pass your time?

10. What is your favorite Bollywood movie and why do you like that movie?

11. Amongst all the actors and actresses of Bollywood who is your dream girl or dream guy?

12. What part of your daily schedule is your favorite part of the day?

13. What kind of places do you like to go on a date?

14. What is your favorite food and what quantity can you eat to show your love?

15. What is your favorite song that you hear on a loop?

16. What is your favorite Cafe that you would surely love to go to anytime?

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C. Ask about Weekend Plans

Weekend plans

After working the whole week, everyone plans something for their weekends. So asking about the weekend plans will somehow help you to start a conversation. You can ask questions in your IG story related to the weekend plans, or you can invite them to your weekend plans. You can make it interesting by adding your weekend plans.

Everyone loves weekends; hence you will surely get engaged in a conversation. Here is some Instagram ask me anything questions from my side which you can use.

17. What are your weekend plans for today?

18. Hey, I have planned a great weekend will you join me in the evening?

19. Can you suggest some interesting ideas to celebrate weekends?

20. Do weekends really help you to chill after a hectic week?

21. If given a task that you have to be at your home during the whole weekend what will be your answer?

22. Do you work during your weekends?

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D. Ask about that favorite moments

Favourite moments

Everyone loves making memories and sharing memories. This point is surely going to help you to build a conversation. You can ask a question about their most memorable moments that they can share with you easily without any hesitation.

You can go through that conversation, and you can continue the conversation right away. Here are a few tips from my side for Instagram; ask me anything questions type, you can ask them.

23. What is your best memorable moment to date?

24. What is your most hilarious memory?

25. Which moment was your moment of achievement?

26. What is the most exciting moment of your life that still excites you?

27. What is your best school or college memory?

28. Do you believe in recollecting memories?

29. If you had been given a chance to go back to your best memory what would it be?

Also Read: 5 Best Ways to Secure Your Conversations


E. ‘This or That’ Questions Always Work on Instagram Story

Personal choices

Everyone has their personal choices between the two options. So if you will give two options to anyone and ask them to pick one, they will surely go to pick the option they like the most.

So you can ask this or that question, in this or that Instagram ask me anything, all you have to do is, you have to give two options it can be anything, and you have to ask them to choose one of them which is most likely to them. Here are some examples that you can use.

30. Tea or coffee?

31. EDM or Bollywood?

32. Love or career?

33. Fame or money?

34. Childhood life or adult life?

35. Move on or Hold on?

36. Western outfit or traditional outfit?


F. Best questions to ask on Instagram story, To try right now

Best questions to ask on instagram story, to try right now

We frequently update our list of interesting Instagram story questions for our readers. Here are the updated lists of new questions that you can try, too. These are the best questions to ask on an Instagram story that will entertain your followers and keep them engaged with your page.

So, if you are struggling to connect with your audience, then this approach you can follow there. Instagram stories give you a better approach to stay connected with your audience. Moreover, by asking some interesting and funny questions on an Instagram story, you also add a personal connection with them.

37. What was your favorite childhood treat?

38. Name a book that you would cherish for a lifetime.

39. Tell us about your biggest fashion disaster?

40. Name a movie sequel you wish for.

41. Your Favorite Series that was worth a binge-watch.

42. Alfredo pasta or Arrabiata pasta?

43. A crime you would like to be caught for.

44. Your anytime movie.

45. Your favorite character from FRIENDS.

46. Lowest marks you have ever scored?

47. Mountains or beaches.

48. Your preferred genre.

49. Which 2 things do you want after the apocalypse?

50. PUBG or Free Fire?

51. Your anime crush.

52. Android or iOS?

53. Your current favorite song?

54. Heaviest weight you have lifted.

55. Chainsmokers or Coldplay?

56. Longest plank.

57. First trip after COVID.

58. Doremon gadget you could have.

59. Where would you go using the anywhere door?

60. Cartoon theme song you remember.

61. First thing you would draw using a magic pencil.

62. Last search on internet explorer.

63. Ever bought scented erasers.

64. A thing you recently purchased impulsively.

65. Dish you regret tasting.

66. Which is your favorite meme.

67. What is better, Books or movie adaptation.

68. Cats or dogs what’s your favorite?

69. Max no. of pushups in 1 set you achieved.

70. Max no. of pull-ups or chin-ups you did.

71. An app you wish existed.

72. A fictional movie you want to experience IRL.(in real life)

73. Biggest mischief you did and weren’t caught?

Funny Questions to Ask on Instagram Story

Funny questions to ask on instagram story

Whether you want to attract new profile visits or aim to engage your existing followers, then make sure you ask some funny questions on your Instagram story. Yes, nothing beats the level of engagement these entertaining and funny stories can bring for you. Don’t let your page lose in endless scrolling on Instagram and hundreds of other content.

Follow this inventive approach. Create some interesting and funny stories that never let your audience forget about you. So, try these “funny questions to ask on the Instagram story” to give your audience a reason to visit your page.

  1. Share your school event about which you are still ashamed.
  2. If you have the ability to mix two animals, and can make new species. What it’ll be?
  3. What is the most embarrassing moment you have faced ever at a job/school/college?
  4. That one scary movie incident that you’ve never shared with anyone.
  5. Are you daydreaming? Share the craziest incident of the same. 
  6. Have you ever caught sleeping in the office during work?
  7. The funniest fact that you ever see, and still can’t agree with it.
  8. That celebrity you are obsessed about.
  9. What is that one fear you want to overcome soon?
  10. Name one Underrated and Overrated celebrity. Give a reason why. 
  11. Describe yourself in one “funny” sentence. 
  12. If this is your last day on earth what will you do and with whom?
  13. Strange office rules that you have to follow at the new office.
  14. Which animal you want to be and WHY?
  15. Name a celebrity, you wish to send them in space.
  16. The funniest Wi-Fi name you’ve ever seen.
  17. What’s your Wi-Fi password?
  18. If you go invisible for one day, what will you do?
  19. How to insult someone hilariously?
  20. Scale your confidence level (0-10) in front of the opposite gender.
  21. That popular singer, you think…is not deserved to be famous.
  22. Your secret talent that no one knows or appreciates about you. 
  23. When will you get married?
  24. Things you want to change from your pasts….
  25. Are you still thinking about your ex or move on truly?
  26. That silly mistakes you wish you haven’t done earlier. 
  27. Tell the truth, Are you still afraid of the ghosts?
  28. Craziest things you have done, but later proud of doing it. 
  29. What was your reply to the teacher on asking about your goals, in school?
  30. What was your biggest childhood fear?
  31. What scares you the most?
  32. What is that crazy thing you did for your friend?
  33. What is the first thought in your mind when you wake up? 
  34. Are you a night owl or a morning bird for work or study?
  35. Which business book are you reading lately?

Interesting Ask Me Anything Questions

Interesting ask me anything questions

Virtual friends or closed ones, asking the right questions to friends are the best activities to do there. Whether you aim to keep your page’s engagement ratio UP and want to have some meaningful conversation with someone, such questions play a great role.
In the first part, we have discussed some great Instagram Story questions, and now in the next section, we’re going to share additional questions that fit most situations. These questions are free to use anywhere you want, or you can come up with even more creative or funny questions by inspiring from the given list.

  1. Have you ever witnessed UFOs or any alien things?
  2. What happens if we all look the same?
  3. What are things that you feel tired of seeing or hearing from the society/world?
  4. Share the most important lessons you learned from 2020.
  5. What is special about 2021?
  6. What are your new year’s resolutions?
  7. Name a celebrity, you truly admire and why.
  8. Which actor or actress do you hate to watch in any movie?
  9. What is your greatest lesson from a failed date?
  10. Share a creative message just using “emojis”.
  11. Which movies or fiction relate to your life the most?
  12. What makes you unique?
  13. Suggest a list of movies to watch this weekend.
  14. What’s the first thing you do, after knowing all the secret spells and magic tricks?
  15. Name the greatest trilogy of all time.
  16. Which 80’s movie that you enjoyed the most? Mine is, Back to the future.
  17. What makes millennials the best generation of all time?
  18. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
  19. What makes your face palmed from the present time?
  20. Share your WhatsApp status here.
  21. Life without the internet. Share your views.
  22. Which negative habits are you going to remove from your life?
  23. Online payments or Cash payments: What do you prefer the most?
  24. How many hours do you work every day?
  25. Are you an introvert or ambivert?
  26. Share your worst presentation experience. 
  27. What are you grateful for in life?
  28. What will be your reaction after knowing someone is ignoring you without any reason?
  29. Which animal do you wish to be in your next life?
  30. How many languages can you speak?
  31. Name a country you’ll never visit in your life. 
  32. Guinea Pigs, rabbits, or cats, which one is the friendliest pet?
  33. Which Christopher Nolan movie you still don’t understand?
  34. What is special about your city or state or country?
  35. Which is your most favorite clothing brand?
  36. What is the best time to start your day?
  37. That movie quotes that keep you inspired every day.
  38. Share your best live concert experience.
  39. In the worst movie, you feel regretful due to wasting your time. 
  40. What are your favorite hobbies?
  41. What are the biggest lessons we have from the lockdown lifestyle?
  42. The best animation movie you think has the most realistic effects. 
  43. Do you have stories to tell to your grandsons?
  44. Who are the underrated actors from Bollywood?
  45. Work from home or office culture?
  46. What was your worst online shopping experience?
  47. The best use of a time machine will be: Going back in time or to see the future?
  48. Name a movie that everyone has to watch in life.
  49. What do you prefer: Job with travel opportunity or In-house jobs.
  50. Are you a day-dreamer or doer?
  51. Do you believe in luck?
  52. What is your longest streak of going to the gym?
  53. How competitive are you in life?
  54. What is something that you’re passionate about?
  55. Have you found the purpose of your life?
  56. The silliest reason you ever heard of ignoring weekend parties. 
  57. What is your favorite pet name?
  58. Which social media do you use the most?
  59. The number one skill that every leader needs to have.
  60. What is your favorite Christmas present?
  61. What’re your weekend fun time activities?
  62. Share something interesting about your hometown.
  63. Do you live just for weekends or live your life truly?
  64. What can be the title of your autobiography?
  65. What do you wish: To get famous or to stay rich?
  66. What’s your first thought on Monday morning?
  67. Suggest youtube documentaries to watch this holiday.
  68. Your present life will be a lot better if you,…
  69. What is the best reason to never give up in life?
  70. How confident you are to start over in life?
  71. The first thing you notice in someone when seeing them for the first time. 
  72. Do first impressions matter?
  73. How often do you check your emails?
  74. How many email accounts do you have?
  75. Which year was the best one, of your entire life till today?
  76. What do you do after accidentally sending the connection request?
  77. Share something that you’re feeling proud of yourself.
  78. Who is your celebrity crush?
  79. What’s your contribution to this world?
  80. Staying alone or Being social? Which suits you the most?
  81. The best tools you can’t live with.
  82. How excited are you to make new connections?
  83. How much time do you spend on your laptop?
  84. What’s your opinion about Freebies?
  85. Online-scams you want people to get aware of. 
  86. Can you challenge yourself to live without social media, for one year?
  87. Are you a multitasker or an effective delegator?
  88. Share effective social media management tools.
  89. How many times do you spend on Linkedin?
  90. What is the best time to post on Instagram?
  91. Which game do you play the most?
  92. Do you still watch Doraemon or shin chan?
  93. Website or mobile: Where do you spend the most time?
  94. Have you ever been trolled on any social media? For which reason?
  95. How often do you change your social media profiles?
  96. Paid advertising or organic reach: What’s your priority in marketing?
  97. Do you follow your daily routine?
  98. How do you organize your time and everyday routine?
  99. What’s special about your journal?
  100. Share something positive about you and your life?
  101. Is our generation or blessed or cursed?
  102. Written contents or Visual contents: What’s your pick?
  103. How many hours have you spent on Instagram only? 
  104. I’m just wondering, what is your family pet name?
  105. Which type of content do you connect with the most? Reels, Stories, or regular posts?
  106. What is your Whatsapp status right now?
  107. Would you like to spend your weekend outside or chill at home?
  108. What is something about you that no one knows except your best friend?
  109. For which reason do you want to block/unfollow your bestie?
  110. Out of 10, Rate your existing followers based on how much you trust them.
  111. What is the most crazy thing that you experience on Instagram?
  112. What would you do if you have to start all over again?

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List of “Ask me a question” on Instagram

List of ask me a question on instagram

If you are on Instagram and want to stay connected with your followers, a simple post is not enough. You have to be your true self, who takes an interest in connecting with their audience & respecting their opinions.

Don’t be self-centered; share some questions to make your followers feel connected and heard. Whether you plan to build a strong community or to connect with your followers regularly, asking questions through the Instagram story is the best approach to follow.

Hence, we are sharing the list of Ask me questions for the Instagram story; you can use these questions as it is or can get inspiration to have your unique set of questions.

  1. According to you, who is the most powerful avenger?
  2. Which country do you wish to travel to?
  3. The biggest lessons that a lockdown lifestyle teaches you. 
  4. How often do you surprise your parents on special days?
  5. What motivates you in life? 
  6. What is the important career advice you have for beginners?
  7. Are you being true to yourself?
  8. Suggest a movie to watch this weekend.
  9. Name a song that you listen to every morning. 
  10. What makes you feel proud of yourself?
  11. What is your nickname?
  12. Which year makes the best year of the entire century?
  13. If you have a time machine, would you like to go: In the future or the past?
  14. What are the top 5 most important things in life
  15. What is your quarantine routine?
  16. Something that you would like to change about yourself.
  17. What will be the perfect response to a cheating partner?
  18. Recommend books to read in the free times. 
  19. What will be the first thing you plan to do when lockdown ends?
  20. Share some facts about your country that no one knows.
  21. How many times have you thought you found your perfect partner?
  22. Which fashion trends do you wish to come back again?
  23. Which applications do you use the most?
  24. How confident are you with your present self? Scale yourself in 0-10
  25. What was your first job and what are the present ones?
  26. At what age, you earned your first income?
  27. Which language do you like very much and interested in learning about it?
  28. Are you a perfectionist or a control freak?
  29. Do you trust more your followers or your friends?
  30. Which musical instrument do you want to learn?
  31. What was one thing you loved about lockdown?
  32. An app you’d like to create that can make anything easier.
  33. What is that one thing absolutely hated about a pandemic?
  34. According to you, which is the best social media to spend time on?
  35. What does your tinder profile state?
  36. Who is your 2 am conversation partner?
  37. If my answer is yes then what will be your question?
  38. What is that one impractical wish you often dream of?
  39. Who is that one person you would like to go on a date with?
  40. Who is that one person you think won’t be in touch in the future?
  41. What is your dream life?
  42. If given a chance what would be the designation you want to occupy in your company?
  43. How was your first date experience? Share in a humorous way.
  44. Which was your worst date?
  45. Tell us about your worst experience till now.
  46. Who is your go-to person to talk to?
  47. What is your guilty pleasure you can’t get rid of?
  48. If given the chance, what will you say to your boss without hesitation?
  49. What was your worst shopping experience?
  50. What was your most insane travel experience?
  51. Do you have any horrible food experiences?
  52. Who’s your gossip partner?
  53. What’s the one meme that you always relate to?
  54. Which funny symbol can define our group?
  55. Which one dish can you have all your life?
  56. What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
  57. What is your all-time favorite excuse?
  58. Name that movie or song that perfectly describes your life.
  59. Where did you spend your last summer vacation? 
  60. What are your secrets for looking beautiful? 
  61. Without these things, you never leave your home.
  62. Which shows/movies are you planning to watch this weekend?
  63. Who understands you the most?
  64. What is that one incident that bought crucial changes in your life?
  65. How great are you at keeping the secrets of your best friends? 
  66. What is something that you are obsessed with?
  67. How are you celebrating Valentine’s day?
  68. What does your beauty regime look like?
  69. Your secret crush in the office.
  70. Wedding or single forever
  71. Song stuck in your head.
  72. What is your lockscreen wallpaper?
  73. What was your last text and to whom?
  74. What do you prefer on weekend, staying home or outing?
  75. What is your philosophy for life?
  76. How do you plan your weekend?
  77. What kind of gestures in a person fascinates you?
  78. So, what have you been binge-watching on Netflix lately? 
  79. How long have you been on Instagram?
  80. How many followers do you plan to gain on Instagram?
  81. If someone offers to sell your page. How much will you ask for?
  82. Did you ever use the software to grow your Instagram followers?
  83. Are you more comfortable with reels or regular Instagram posts?
  84. Who are your favorite influencers on Instagram?
  85. What is your worst relationship experience?
  86. What is the biggest myth around you?
  87. As a child or right now do you have a collection for anything? 
  88. What is something that you tried once and never again? 
  89. Since what age you have started working and never ask for money from your family? 
  90. What is something that makes you say yes to anything? 
  91. Do you ever feel jealous of your best friend? For what reason?
  92. Do you have any plans to uninstall Instagram?
  93. So, which color is your favorite that you use the most in your content? 
  94. What is the special fan moment you have on any social media?

Instagram “Ask Me Anything Questions” Game

To engage with your followers closely, you want to play a question game with them. And, there’s nothing else that is better than a quick round of the ‘Ask me anything’. If you are looking for the new ‘Ask me anything’ questions that are challenging to answer, here are some suggestions for you. 

  1. What would you name your autobiography? 
  2. What is the first thing you do when you want to do nothing? 
  3. Do you have any bad habits? Do you try to get over with it? 
  4. Who is your fashion inspiration, someone you secretly copying their style?
  5. What is something that is most important in friendship for you?
  6. Do you consider sleeping late on the weekend or have something to do in the morning?
  7. What is your best advice to someone who wishes to become an Instagram influencer? 
  8. How is your experience with the long-distance relationship? 
  9. Do you like to be surrounded by people or love solitude? 
  10. What is the best moment or experience you have from your school time? 
  11. What is the one thing that you did just once, but wish you could do it again?
  12. What advice do you give to someone who is addicted to Instagram? 
  13. How do you want this world to remember you and for which reason? 
  14. What is the most impactful thing you did in your life? 
  15. Are you planning to take a big step in life, what is that? 
  16. What would you do if you had to start over?
  17. So, if you weren’t an influencer what would you be?
  18. What is your best way to get rid of the work anxiety? 
  19. How much time do you give to your parents or family?


These were my ideas to strike up in a conversation. So, try these ideas and ask these interesting questions, that way you can get easily connected to the person you like. Indeed, you can find even more personality-based; Instagram asks me anything type questions to ask a person you like to know more about.

Have any suggestions for us?? Let us know in the comment section below.

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