Your weak students deserve encouragement to feel supported. Here we’ve prepared positive to inspiring comments to cheer up weak and average students.
These supportive words are to improve their self-confidence and interest in studying. So they can also perform well in the next exam and take no pressure.
When writing a remark or comments on the report card…
While giving a remark to average students – make sure you give it in the most polite yet effective way. Don’t sound rude or use an insulting tone since it can discourage them or shatter their confidence. Your remark on weak and average students should leave a positive impression that can motivate them to work better and improve rather than building pressure on them.
Here are a few tips to consider while sharing remarks for weak and average students:
1. Be sure to mention something that is positive as well.
Whenever you are providing the parents with updates on their child’s progress, you should also make sure the update does not look like pure criticism. Each child has a unique nature and personal interest in a specific subject. Make sure you highlight the positive aspects of students that make them unique in the class.
2. There is always room for improvement.
Individuals or students, everyone has their separate approach to see and learn the same thing differently. A student who is weak or average in one subject doesn’t mean he’s not good enough for anything at all. Maybe he can’t connect with your teaching pattern and needs extra guidance to understand the concept. It is your responsibility, as a teacher, to disclose what you will do about it and what additional support you expect from students and their parents.
3. Always be honest and inspiring to your students.
Report cards don’t always have to be all positive or negative. Sometimes it is better to share the truth than to hide it. Of course, you feel that negative comments will put some amount of pressure on the parents more than students, but it’s all worth it as long as you want to improve your student’s progress.
Even if you see no good things about the weak student of your class, share something like hope and as an encouragement to the student as well.
4. Be sure to include the parents.
Agree that a report card is all about the student’s academic and behavior performance, but you better not limit it to that as well. It is important to let their parents know about any strengths and weaknesses you identify.
Highlight such uniqueness of their children that amaze you and what are the other scope of it. Share some suggestions to parents, include them in the growth of their kids. You should discuss how you can work together to discover a kid’s interests, so that he/she will be able to succeed.
5. Proofread your report before you send it.
No doubt, preparing report cards for each student is a tiresome task. And you may not have enough time to review that as well. But, proofreading and double-checking the reports is much more important than avoiding any grammatical errors.
It further allows you to check whether your approach is constructive enough or not. And you can make adjustments to the reports that overall ensure parents that their children are under the hands of a supportive and caring teacher.
Now let’s take a look at some best comments that you can get ideas regarding what to write in the report cards. Sharing some ‘Positive’ and ‘Needs Improvement’ comment sections for better ideas about how to make your point direct and understandable.
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Comments for weak students on report cards
Positive comments for students:
- He/she asks questions when needed.
- Always ready for more challenges that is something I like the most about him/her.
- Is one of the hardworking students in our class.
- Such a trustworthy and caring boy/girl in the class.
- I love that he takes time to think before he speaks.
- He is quite active in extracurricular activities.
- Works very well when in the team or with his best friends.
- So far, her progress is consistent.
- That’s an excellent performance, keep it up.
- You have a potential to score more than this.
- Enthusiast to learn and try something new.
- Completes every assignment and task on time.
- I like your enthusiasm to learn new things. That’s a great skill you got.
- Your performance this time is truly impressive. Do you mind sharing how many hours you study at home everyday?
- Very hardworking and supportive students in our class. We’re lucky to have her.
- So much surprised by his transformations. Seems like he’s changed. Great!
- This school is so proud to have smart kids like him. He’s a gem among us.
- Impressive performance. Your dedication really shows up. Keep it up.
Needs improvement:
- I think he has more interest in… (Add Relevant subject)
- Need to work by ownself and to become more independent.
- Hope to see improvement in communication.
- He’s having a hard time maintaining focus in the lecture.
- Active participation in the class is expected.
- Not even interacting with classmates.
- Needs to know how to be organized.
- Always looks tired and sleepy in class.
- Easily gets upset when advising something.
- Just needs some patience to wait for lunch-time.
- Well, this time you didn’t get expected results. But, we can surely work on that part.
- You are not weak, you just need more practice in this subject.
- His scores indeed improve than the last test. Now, we can expect more improvement.
- She is smart and learns things faster. She needs more practice in writing.
- This isn’t the performance I’m expecting. But not an issue, you can make it next time.
- He could achieve more, but he lacks the concertation.
- I have prepared some tests for her to practice at home. That helps.
- She can perform above average if she takes study more seriously.
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Meaningful report card comments for weak student
Positive remarks:
- His performance in most subjects is improving.
- Becoming quite regular and attentive in the class.
- I was very impressed with his communication skills.
- Exceptionally good at maths, so I hope he does the same in science, as well.
- Helps everyone in the class.
- Truly appreciate his dedication to the study.
- Other students learn a lot from her.
- Sets an example of intelligence and problem-solving skills.
- Stays respectful to the teachers, staff, and peers.
- Very obedient and faithful student of our class.
- He mostly comes late for class. But, very focused, without any question.
- He/she is good at understanding, he/she needs to pay proper attention in lectures.
- I’m truly surprised by his performance. Seems like he’s being serious with his study.
- He can do his best in the exam, but his lack of concentration stops him.
- Very active in extracurricular activities, hope also be that active in subjects, too.
- Such a well-behaved and obedient student, she is.
- He pays attention to the class and also very active in extracurricular activities.
- Such a brilliant student in the class, because he’s learning things faster.
Needs improvement:
- Lack of complete focus and attention on study.
- Easily get distracted by anything while studying.
- Having problems with effective reading and pronunciation.
- Needs to improve on his problem-solving skills and reasoning abilities.
- Facing some difficulty in understanding basic information.
- Has poor self-discipline and no concentration on the subject.
- Brilliant student, but needs to participate actively in school activities and events.
- Asks too many unnecessary questions and remains confused most of the time.
- As far as I know, she never interacts with her classmates and stays alone.
- Needs to be constantly aware of school rules and classroom guidelines.
- Definitely, the performance has improved but still needs more work.
- He is a quick learner, I recommend you add some more time for self-study.
- The performance is not up to the mark, and yeas need more practice next time.
- Not asking questions, even if seems confused sometimes.
- She often faces a struggle to remind the instruction and what is taught in the class.
- He has been giving an average performance so far. There’s a requirement for extra practice.
- Compared to the last exam the performance is indeed improved. There’s more to achieve.
- I believe that you can do more than this. I have prepared some tests that could help you.
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General comments for weak & average students
Positive remarks for students:
- Very brilliant and clever student of the class.
- Such a pleasure to have great students like her in our class.
- Is a sincere and dedicated student who always helps others.
- Leads a team very well, and quite a great manager for group activities.
- Having great potential and getting his tasks finished on time.
- Is positive, confident, and very supportive to others.
- Completes every assigned work on time, with a great focus.
- He’s practicing a lot at home, I think. Impressive performance so far.
- Such a great student that others might have a lot to learn from.
- Seems like he’s born with leadership skills, very active, and managed.
- Spends time thinking and choosing the right words to respond.
- Learns things a lot faster and remembers them for a longer period.
- Very confident and speaks very well in front of the whole class.
- Have an interest in learning something new and be present while teaching.
- Successfully passing the training phase, now it’s time to level up.
- Keep hustling you will achieve it soon.
- He’s improving and now paying more attention to classes.
- You have amazed me with such an exceptional improvement.
- Keep it up, you have improved your score in every subject.
Needs improvement:
- Needs to be open and more interactive with the other students.
- Requires more concern on the study, and gets defocus quite often.
- Working great in the group just needs to be more independent.
- Should pay attention to studies and what others are saying to her.
- Easily gets offended when advising or suggesting something.
- Too shy enough to answer it even though knowing everything right.
- Needs more practice in completing the given tasks on time.
- Requires to take more responsibility and understand the school norms.
- We need to work on her handwriting.
- Needs to be reminded how to behave with her classmates.
- Struggles to stay focused during the science class, need more practice to take interest in this subject area.
- Lack of confidence and remain fearful even with the other classmates.
- Retention ability is too weak. Hope to give more practice tasks at home.
- I plan to spend more time on students who have the same struggles. We will inform you about the extra training session and useful materials.
- Need to work more on his handwriting. Seems like he’s preparing to become a doctor.
- You are not failing, you are trying and that is the most important step towards success.
- His performance has been average in the last few exams. He requires to practice more to improve.
- I noticed that you need more practice in maths.
Teachers’ Comments on Student’s Average Performance
It’s important to be mindful while commenting on average students’ performance. Here teacher’s comments need to be positive and encouraging for students Because they want students to improve without feeling any weak. Here are the good comments that teachers can leave on average performance.
- This is the start of the progress. She has potential.
- I have to say that she is making progress in every subject.
- Not any other student has made such progress as he has.
- The performance is average but I’m sure he can do more.
- Well, our last session worked and we can see he’s improving.
- She practiced well on her handwriting well.
- I can’t ignore the fact but now he is taking his study seriously.
- So good to see that he’s improving in study.
- We need to pay more attention to maths.
- He got a good score in most subjects. That’s impressive.
- Well, his performance is getting better every semester.
- His academic and classroom performance has indeed improved.
- You can get more marks in this. Just need to be more focused on your studies.
- Next time, I would like to see improvement in this subject.
- I think this isn’t your best score. You can do more than this.
- Believe in yourself that you don’t have to settle for this.
- You are a good student and can get more marks by being attentive in class.
- Happy to see the improvement. But I know you can do way better than this.
- Your performance is below average this time. Expect a better score next time.
Need Improvement Remarks for Students’ Report Card
Whether the student’s performance is above average or below average, it’s important to encourage them to improve their academic performance. The purpose of a report card is not to just give remarks to the students but to let them improve from there. If you need some improvement comments for above or below-average students, here are some ideas.
- Impressive process so far. I’m sure he can achieve even better in the next exam.
- Academic performance is great. But needs improvement in classroom behavior as well.
- She is excellent at working alone. Also, needs to work well with others in the class.
- He needs to take assignments seriously and get it done on time.
- Easily gives up on challenging tasks. It seems she lacks the confidence to ask questions.
- I have noticed that he’s growing interest in maths. That’s good, Keep it up!
- Often, acts like he is the only one in the class. Needs to get along with his classmates.
- Feeling too hesitant even if he is a good student.
- Facing the challenge of concentrating on a single task or subject.
- Brilliant students in most subjects except maths. With extra help, he can do good.
- Consistent average performance for long. I think he can improve from here.
- Knows the answers well but due to being shy prefers not to speak up.
- Needs more practice in writing and reading, to perform well in the next exam.
- She struggles to remember the lessons in a very short time.
- Doing good in the exam. More practice and exam preparation could help to improve.
- Not sure what happened but her performance declining over the last few months.
- It would be great if you paid more attention while I study.
- This itself proves you are a brilliant student and need more practice.
- This is your lowest performance. If you have any questions or queries feel free to ask.
How do you comment on an average student’s report card?
When writing the report card for the average students, you can mention the areas of improvement to help them work on. You don’t want them to settle for average marks. With your positive and encouraging comments, you make them practice more for the next exam.
How do you comment on weak students’ report cards?
You want to be very mindful of what you say in weak students’ report cards. You don’t want the weak students to feel so down so it’s important that you tell them how they can improve. And so, your comments have to be well-balanced with honesty and support to the weak student’s performance and preparation.
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Final thoughts:
When commenting on students’ report cards, teachers have to be very careful and encouraging. Positive feedback is the right way to encourage the student to continue striving for the goals.
Whereas supportive comments for weak and average students are to provide support and give hope for the next exam.