
How to Train Your Brain to Have Better Study Habits

American college students carry an average of a 3.15 GPA out of 4.0. This average reflects some A students, a number of failing grades, and many landing on middle ground. 

While 3.15 gives you a B, many students want to exceed the average. And those below undoubtedly want to at least reach it. 

Study habits play an important role in doing so, but many people find studying difficult. Keep reading to learn how to train your brain to study better.

Know Your Learning Style

Everybody learns differently because each brain forms its own unique neural network to process things in its own way. What works for one person when studying may not work for another.

To train your brain and get the best results, know which learning style(s) you do best with:

  • Visual: seeing (reading and charts)
  • Aural: listening (lectures)
  • Linguistic: wordplay (acronyms and rhymes)
  • Kinaesthetic: physical/action (flashcards and labs)
  • Logical: logic (puzzles and numbers)
  • Solitary: independent
  • Social: group

You may learn best with a combination of learning styles, or your style may change depending on the subject material. Create an experiment to test out each style with new information and then test yourself afterward to see where you retain the most information. 

Create a Study Space

Designate one spot to be your study space. If you cannot use an entire room, then block off one corner.

This space should not include your bed. Studying where you sleep confuses your brain. Not only does it slow down your studies, but it affects your sleep as well.

Pick a quiet place where you feel productive. It should allow for comfort but also promote alertness. 

Keep it neat so your thoughts do not get cluttered, and throw a drawing board on the wall to encourage creative thinking.

Eliminate Distractions

Keep distractions out of your study space. Finish anything important ahead of time so it does not occupy your mind.

While you study, keep unnecessary electronics away to avoid the social media temptation. If you must keep your computer for work or your cell for any reason, shut off notifications.

Exercise Executive Function

Executive functioning refers to a self-management skillset. It affects, learning, emotions, behavior, and social interactions.

We do not naturally employ this skill set. We must learn it and exercise it to help us reach goals.

This type of functioning promotes excellent study habits. To exercise it:

  • Keep a detailed planner
  • Organize your materials with tabs in labeled binders and notebooks
  • Create a matrix diagram for big projects to prioritize your studies
  • Play logic puzzles in your spare time
  • Practice problem solving with riddles
  • Keep a reflection journal of what works and what does not for studying
  • Meditate 

While some of these exercises directly relate to studying, others indirectly affect it. But they all strengthen your ability to control yourself, manage your time, and stay on track with goals. Learn more information here.

Good Study Habits Make Excellent Students

Good study habits will raise your potential for success. Make it a point to study your study style and perfect it, so you never fall into the average.

We want to help you do better and be better in all aspects of life. Find more tips on our self-improvement page!

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