Ways to get over your ex

13 Best Ways to Get Over Your Ex

You know that you are going to break up sooner as you start getting the signs in advance. We are seeing everyone from celebrities to politicians breaking up with their partners as soon as they realize that things aren’t working out. And to be honest, it’s completely fine to break up, after all, who doesn’t want a healthy relationship for the future?

Well, some of us have broken up at least once in our life, and hands down, getting over your ex is one hell of a difficult job. And getting over a break-up is more related to changing mindset. So today, you are going to know some super easy tips to get over your ex and move ahead in your life.

1. Keep the Reason in Mind

Be glad it happened today

Always keep the reason in your mind why things didn’t work out. It may be due to a lack of similarities, different ideologies or just because things didn’t feel right. Whatever may be the reason, never feel unsure or doubt your decision. This would prove to be your stress buster whenever you feel nostalgic about the break-up thing.

You constantly need to remind that this was going to happen sooner or later and instead feel glad that it happened sooner.

2. Engage in Creative Activities

An empty mind is a devils workshop
Big think

It is often said that “An empty mind is a devil’s workshop” and so you need to constantly do one or the other thing. Engaging in creative activities often proves to be helpful because it gives you the satisfaction of doing at least a few things right. Start with doing craft-work, dancing, singing or anything else that interests you. What else, it’s even beneficial for your personal growth. Nevertheless, it will always leave you feeling satisfied and cheerful.

3. Take a Break – Travel

Travelling brings back love and power

This is probably the best thing you can do when you’re getting over your ex. It may be traveling alone or with a few buddies, although the latter is recommended. Travelling may not teach you anything but makes you realize a lot of things about what exactly has to be done. Besides that, it makes dealing with break-up easy especially because you’re finally enjoying things in your life and that makes you forget your past, for a while.

Also Read: 9 Ways to Take a Break from Your Busy Life

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4. Remember: This Is Not the End

This is not the end, it is the beginning
MS Skyfall

Most of us would have got this feeling that our world has collapsed just because we were vemistakes in their relationshipsry close to that one particular person. Anyone would be afraid to get into a new relationship anytime soon. But don’t develop a rigid mindset for the same; be open to accepting new relationships in the future. Things don’t always work-out and they aren’t even supposed to.

Personal Note: Think about 7 Billion people on earth and just think about the probability of your relationship working out perfectly fine with initial 5-10 people you’ve been with.

You should also know these 10 habits to stop taking things personally.

5. Make New Friends

Good friends are like stars
Deviant Art

You’re most likely to miss your ex when you’re lonely, and getting to know more and more new people are likely to make you feel less lonely. This is where your friend circle is going to be of good help and support. Just get out of your bed, and start hanging out with your friends. Eventually, you’ll find your life quite interesting or browse different apps and sign up on the one you like the most, this kind of apps are for making online and long-distance friends, you can chat with anybody all around the world, you can join different group chats as well where you will be introduced to many different people who can become your friends, some of the group chats are active 24 into 7, so whenever you get bored and feel lonely you can just get on to these apps and talk with anyone you like and the fun fact is that there are various categories of groups you can join as per your preference.

6. Get Rid of Everything That Makes You Think About Your Ex

Get rid of it

You know how we start relating everything around us to them and we start finding every reason to think about them. So start getting rid of those selfies and those songs dedicated to each other. Moreover, get rid of those fancy gifts you gave to each other, don’t think twice and just do it.

7. Don’t Feel Guilty About It

Mistakes help us find the right person
Dharma Productions

You do not have to feel guilty or held yourself responsible for whatever happened so far in your relationship. Because everyone makes mistakes in their relationships and no one is born perfect. If you’ve made a mistake and you realize it, then it is more than enough for you. And if your partner has made a mistake then just forgive him/her and think that you might as well be in their position.

8. Try reading books

Reading a book alone

Reading helps you forget about the outside world for a while. You get into your imaginations, you explore yourself at different places in different characters based on the book reading. Also, there are several benefits to reading. When you try reading the first couple of pages in a book, you get so involved with what’s going on in the narrative that you don’t have to think about your own story for once and how it will end. So pick up a book and slip into another world and take a break from your own story.

9. Start Exercising

Building muscles in a gym

All this trauma would have upset you and you would not be willing to engage yourself in any of the physical activity and this might have made you physically weak, so you gotta start exercising and break some sweat which would help you get in a good shape again and would make you look confident and it will slowly and gradually help you get over your ex.

Check Out The Benefits Of Exercise

10. Develop a new hobby

Playing a video game

There are a bunch of new things you can engage yourself to get over your ex, you can join dance classes, try karate classes both these things would help you maintain a good physique or get a pencil along with a piece of paper and learn to draw things. Many of us don’t know that video games help you manifest so you can also play the latest video games or you can go off for walks in the countryside or along the river, or even start teaching yourself some technical things.

11. Use the internet

Woman using laptop

Keep your mind active in online learning. Browse the various topics about which you want to learn. Enroll in some online courses, technology is amazing and leaves room for no excuses. There are various websites of colleges and universities in different countries that distribute different educational materials free of charge on their websites.

12. Write a letter to your ex ( Don’t send it)

Writing a letter

One of the things you should do to get over your ex is writing a letter on him/her, expressing all your hate and worst feelings you have about him/her, write all you have in your mind this would probably give you relief, will decrease your mental stress up to a big extent and would make you relax for a while. Remember this is just for your mental relief and you do not have to send it to her and we are not guiding you towards any kind of offensive actions toward anybody.

13. Sign up on dating apps

A mobile phone

You should try online dating, there are various dating apps on the internet where you can sign up and search for dates around or in your region. You will see different profiles over there and you can visit any of the profiles you like and can show interest and if that user notices you he/she will approach you, you can have a chat and can fix a meeting where you both agree.

Try to stay focused, repeat the above-mentioned tips to get over your ex again and again and share your thoughts.

Featured image by HDW Backgrounds

  1. I got through it, took 3-4 months. The reason was – I got late for the 6th point, I should have done it at the first place to get over my ex.

  2. If you’ve got enough courage, I would also suggest you to block him/her everywhere for sometime such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat till things are back to place and you progress with getting over your ex.

  3. Thanks to so much a lot for your site, it assists a lot

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