Make your online training program truly employee centric

5 Tips To Make Your Online Training Program Truly Employee-Centric

If you’re struggling to generate engagement amongst employees with a training program, it’s time to revamp the program and make it employee-centric. As evident from the name, an employee-centric training program puts your employee’s needs right in the center of the training.

Today, it is effortless to deliver online training programs with the help of training software like LMS that comes armed with a wide array of features. But a lot of companies mainly focus on creating a course that satisfies their organizational learning objectives.

Ignoring employee learning needs can make it difficult to get employee’s to make the most of the training program. Considering online training programs aren’t cheap to build, this can lead to a huge wastage of money and resources for a company.

Here are 5 ways to customize your online training program and make it truly employee-centric while still obtaining great ROI from the training:

1. Study from their perspective:

Making a training program employee-centric is possible only when you shift your mindset and think from their perspective. L&D professionals who create courses need to think of themselves as the learner and try to understand what purpose the course serves. 

This allows them to understand whether or not the course is appealing to the employees, and what they are gaining from it. This shift will allow you to build courses that the employees enjoy engaging with and gain a rich learning experience from.

2. Ask them what they want:

Probably the easiest way to create an employee-centric course is asking employees upfront about what they wish to learn. You can conduct a feedback survey once the online training course ends and analyse the responses. 

Consistently seeking employee feedback on existing online courses and making the necessary changes allows you to transform the course into something that provides value to the employees and helps them grow.

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3. Provide flexibility:

When customizing an online training program for employees, try to make the program as flexible as possible so employees don’t need to compromise on work in order to learn. Providing training through mobile-based training software is a great option.

Most people own a mobile device and learning through mobile will ensure they can learn from anywhere, at any time. Making the course accessible from all kinds of devices will make it convenient for employees to have better access to the training content.

4. Make content easy to consume:

While building an online course, use microlearning principles to structure the training material. This means breaking down the content into small modules that are easy to consume in a short span of time.

This makes it easy for employees to learn even in their break time or while traveling. This concept of micro-modules leads to learners having better control over their pace of learning and also ensures higher retention of information.

5. Personalize the content:

When creating an online course, it is crucial to personalize the content for employees rather than creating a generic course for the entire organization. Focusing on a certain section of employees who belong to the same project or department and providing them training relevant to their work profile is more effective.

This will make the course content relatable for employees and allow them to connect with it. Personalizing the training content not only enhances employee performance but also reduces time spent by them on training. 

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An employee-focused training program is more likely to encourage productivity. This makes it vital to have a training program that fulfills employee learning needs along with the company’s learning goals. Such a program boosts employee performance and yields the expected financial returns.

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