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8 Tips to Avoid Harmful Morning Schedule

5 AM.. Snooze…

5:15 AM.. Snooze…

5:30 AM.. Snore..! 

Good morning… 7 AM

Well, is it really good?

Go online and check morning wishes or check your Facebook feed. This will probably help in making your morning good and if you really believe it does, then you are a part of the 63% population that has been reported to be doing so.

Maybe you can rush to your kitchen for a cup of caffeine i.e. your “coffee” cup. It really hydrates your body which got dehydrated during the night. (Well, does it?)
Late to bed, late to rise makes you wonder when did the sun rise?
Well, the sun rises every day.

And, with the following tips I will try to make sure that every morning you rise with it from now on:-

1. Mobile phones or other electronic gadgets do not need your attention immediately after you wake up. You need your attention!

2. Your coffee or tea cup should not be first on the list.

3.  Negative news is a big “no-no” if you want to kick start your mind.

4. Platinum 30:

Credit goes to Mr Robin Sharma for creating the “Platinum 30” rule. It says that what you do within the thirty minutes of your waking up determines your day. Make sure they are full of inspiration, vigour and positivity.

Refer the book “Who Will Cry When You Die?” for more information”

5.  Meditate. Focus. Breathe in positivity!

6.  Exercise:

Regular stretching and exercising renders you more energetic and fit.

7. Water:

Let warm water herald the morning for you! It will boost your metabolism and improve the functioning of your body system.

8. Purposeful morning for a purposeful life:

Iterate your dreams. Remember your blessings. Help yourself with hope. It takes time to finally wake up to a perfect morning but believe me, the above mentioned points will make it better.

Wake up with a better morning!

  1. Well written..dear. It will definitely make our everyday a better day…

    1. Prateeksha Malpani says:

      I am glad that it can be of help ! 😀

      1. Can you write on some similar topics which can help us in self development?

        1. Prateeksha Malpani says:

          More of such work is in pipeline. Hope you will like it too! 🙂

  2. Sanjoy Kumar says:

    You should also wrute on how to implement all the Self Help plans.

    1. Prateeksha Malpani says:

      Thank you ! 🙂

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