Reading while having a cup of tea

A Beginner’s Guide to Developing a Reading Habit

All successful personalities have reading habits more or less. We all somehow believe that it is a very boring thing, but actually it is a crazy thing once you get started!

Reading is not just a technical ability that is significant. It is also a way of enjoying literature’s insightful, imaginative and inspirational plays that enhance our life experiences. Just like any talent worth developing, it requires time and dedication to grow a reading habit. It is a source of enjoyment and entertainment for a lifetime.

And it is not about to read only the books, you can read newspapers, magazines, good online stuff or updates, articles or write-ups on the things as per your preference.

Reading habit offers you immense benefits. It develops our thinking abilities, improves concentration, makes us smart and helps in self-development, obviously gives us the knowledge and other countless benefits! We all want these benefits but how to start reading? How to cultivate this habit? What to do to make it more efficient? From where should I start reading?  Here are the solutions to all your queries:

How to develop good reading habits?

1.   Read about your interests and hobbies

A girl reading a book and developing reading habit.

One must have an intention of actually he or she wants to read and one always likes to read something he/she is interested in, it is the perfect stage to cultivate the reading habit. Reading always gets more interesting and exciting when we read about the topics or subjects that we like.

To promote reading and increase enjoyment, look for blogs, books, and magazines that appeal to your own hobbies and interests.

2.  Prefer the light and short stuff

Even if it is our interested area, sometimes we can’t digest the heavy and lengthy content as a beginner, so at times we may lose our interest.

Sometimes it also happens that due to unknown vocabulary we are puzzled and lose motivation. So, we should prefer the light and short content. Gradually we can move onto the heavy and lengthy portion. It is recommended to start with mild and short stuff. Newspapers, Magazines or blogs can be helpful.
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3. Get excited about it

Photo of a girl sitting while reading a book

You need to be curious about it in the first place to get into the habit of reading further. To see what people are saying and raving over, read a review or two online. When comments are not your favorite, try reading the content’s first few pages and blurbing back to get a plot concept.

This will help you look forward to reading the book with your excitement about what’s going on.

4. Take a break

Reading is meant to be a pleasant experience that opens up the eye. If you find yourself stressing (or yawning!) Take a break for a while or 5-10 minutes and then start it again from where you left off. This will refresh your mind from constant reading and you will enjoy the later portion enthusiastically.

5. Keep the record and grade it

At the end of the week, fortnight or month –

  1. Evaluate how much you have read
  2. How long you have practiced for reading more and more,
  3. How many new words you have learned in a specific period,
  4. How much your reading span has improved and what you are left with to do or to improve more and more.

This analysis will help you a lot and boost up your confidence in reading. Next time you will be more careful about that.
These are all the useful points for improving your reading skills and cultivating the habit somewhere. You may face difficulties at the beginners’ level, but you may be able to move on to the best level. Try as much as you can to be a voracious reader from the beginning and Happy Reading!!

Note:- If you prefer to read on your phone then you can use these apps as well

Kindle:- Android, iOS

Wattpad:- Android, iOS

This might also help – apps to increase efficiency

How to develop a consistent reading habit?

1.  Decide time

Man showing his watch

During each day, you should have a few set times while reading for at least 10-15 minutes. These are moments you’re going to read no matter what — disturbance occurs every day. Make it a habit, for example, to read during breakfast and lunch as well.

Make it a habit, for example, to read at breakfast and lunch as well as a few minutes before you go to sleep.

Check out these steps on improving time investing habits.

2.  Make reading your priority

If you get busy and distracted during your working hours, you should know there’s something you can do to change this. Convert your reading habits into specific goals that are time-sensitive and put them on your priority list. Make a goal to read at least 2 pages of any book every day, slowly and gradually it will become your routine part.

3.  Always keep a book with you

Man reading in front of laptop

If you want this habit to be consistent always carry a book wherever you go, like when you are leaving for office don’t forget to keep a book in your bag, you can read it in the free hours of office and wherever you get some free time or whenever you have to wait for something just take out the book and start reading.

4.  Prepare a list

Create a list of books you want to read in notepad, pocket diary, your journal or wherever you want to. Make sure whenever you hear about a good book just list it there and cross out the ones you read. This will remind you that you have got a lot of interesting stuff to get over with.

5. Make it enjoyable

Handsome man working

Make your reading hours the best-loved hours of your day. Have some snacks and juice while reading it would definitely add flavors to your mood. And get into a comfortable chair with a blanket while reading.

Make sure you follow these tips, this would definitely help you enhance your reading skills as well as to be consistent. And if you have any other suggestions or a favorite book to share then do let us know in the comment section.

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