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Every year, more than 400,000 people all across the globe die of food poisoning. At least some of these people could have been saved if they would have been able to correctly identify their food poisoning symptoms.

So, what are the symptoms of food poisoning? By figuring this out, you might be able to prevent food poisoning from taking a major toll on you. Identifying these symptoms will help you get the food poisoning treatments you need.

Take a look at five surefire signs of food poisoning below.

1. Nausea and Vomiting

One of the first things that you’re going to notice when you have food poisoning is that you’ll feel nauseous almost all the time. You’ll also begin vomiting at some point if you have it.

This nausea and vomiting usually won’t go away, either. It’s not uncommon at all for it to last for several days when you have food poisoning. You should see a doctor right away if you can’t seem to shake nausea and vomiting.

2. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is another symptom that you’re going to see almost right away when you have food poisoning. More specifically, you’ll usually experience watery and/or bloody diarrhea right from the start.

This diarrhea will leave you wondering, “How long does food poisoning last?” You’re not going to be able to wait for it to be over and done with.

One of the reasons why there is a HACCP program in this country is to prevent people from having to go through this part of the food poisoning process.

3. Abdominal Cramping

When you have food poisoning, you’ll often go through a stomachache unlike anything you’ve ever gone through before. You’ll have abdominal cramping that will make it almost impossible for you to get comfortable, even when you’re lying down in bed.

Once food poisoning reaches this point, you’re going to want to get to a doctor fast to relieve the pain that you feel. There will be almost no doubt that you have at least a touch of food poisoning.

4. Fever

One of the first things that a doctor is going to do when checking you out for food poisoning is take your temperature. People with food poisoning often have a temp that spikes up over the 100-degree Fahrenheit mark.

If your temperature is over 100.4 F, your doctor will probably suspect that you have food poisoning. They’ll give you something that will help to bring your fever back down to earth.

5. Dehydration

Since you’re likely going to be throwing up and having diarrhea for an extended period of time when you have food poisoning, you’re going to get dehydrated. This can cause:

  • Dry mouth
  • Excessive thirst
  • Weakness and dizziness

You could potentially even faint due to dehydration. Your doctor will work to get some fluids back into you one way or another. It’ll stop food poisoning from making you dehydrated to a dangerous degree.

Don’t Let Food Poisoning Keep You Down

As we mentioned earlier, food poisoning has been known to kill people on occasion. But as long as you get a proper diagnosis for it, you can stop it from doing too much damage to you.

The key is identifying food poisoning symptoms early and seeking the necessary treatment from a doctor. It’ll get you back to normal again in no time at all.

Browse through the articles on our blog for more informative health tips.

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