Curfew in ahmedabad

Curfew in Ahmedabad – till 9PM

Curfew Declared in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. They are announed to follow Section 144. This section also includes Shoot at Sight orders. Following places are on high alert:

  • SG highway,
  • Gota,
  • Krishna nagar,
  • Sardar chok,
  • Mehsana,
  • Kuvada highway,
  • Ghatlodia,
  • CTM char rasta,
  • Vadinath chok

It seems as if whole Gujarat shall be under curfew. Sola police chowky set on fire!

Latest news: Curfew in Ahmedabad.
Instructions received from collector office to block internet services cdma and GSM for Ahmedabad for 24 hours. Team is working to execute same as soon as possible.
SMS services should remain intact.


Whole Ahmedabad was closed on 25 August, 2015 & whole Gujarat is seen BANDH(closed)  on 26 August, 2015. Police protection seen in Ahmedabad is extreme. Every road is covered under patrolling and strict instructions are given for staying in home. The condition is getting so worst that  All the food stores and even medical stores are closed.  Public transport such as BRTS and AMTS are closed. The railway tracks coming from chandlodia side are being repaired to continue the rail commutation. The police has stated that special care of social media will be taken, People are strictly restricted to post rumours and unnecessary influencing images.
The approx figure for burnt down buses has crossed 20 and more than 35 buses are damaged. More than 15 bikes are burnt and 3 police stations were set on fire too. In many areas people are throwing stones at police and police vehicles to show their anger and public properties are being damaged. Following the riots of ahmedabad, There are cases noted in Patan, Rajkot, Junagadh too. Surat and Mehsana are also declared under curfew situation and conditions are considered to be worse than Ahmedabad.


The Gujarat state Chief minister Anandi ben Patel has requested to stay at home and stay calm and maintain peace of the city. The biggest confusion as per now is who ordered the lathi charge and under whose instruction police used extreme weapons.

Ahmedabad is believed to loose its peace after a long period of time, The safest and the calmest city has been converted into danger zone. There are no words as of now from Honourable PM.

All we can do is pray and request for safety and peace. 

  1. If I m staying in ghatlodia can we go to office in the morning?
    . Where can I find more details related to this?

    1. Recently near my place, people were roaming on vehicles but 2-3 jeeps came with mic declaring “Don’t go out today. Stay at home only.”

  2. Now Situation under control?

    I need to go office very urgently.

    1. Suraj Lulla says:

      Seems under control

  3. Nihar shah says:

    acc to me the police should be given shoot at sight orders as soon as possible because situation is getting out of control……so simply shoot the people who damage the public and police properties….

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