What Are the Biggest Barriers to Successful Leadership

For a business to be successful, a lot of factors need to fall into place. One of these factors is having a loyal and dedicated workforce. However, for employees to stay invested in a company, they need a good leader who will motivate them and set a good example they can follow.

Now, regardless of whether you are the owner or the manager of a company or if you’re planning to train an employee to take on the role of the leader in your business, there are certain obstacles you will have to overcome in order to be able to make the most of the position in question. Below are some of these barriers you might encounter and some advice when it comes to dealing with them. Take a look.

Being Complacent All the Time

If you’ve been in the same position for ages, it’s common to continue doing everything in the same way. However, sometimes you need to give your workers as well as yourself a little push in order to reach a new level. There is probably space for your company to grow, which is why you want to avoid stagnation. Being satisfied with where you are and having no wishes to further evolve is a sure way to disappoint your staff. So, work on developing new skills and acquiring new knowledge, and this complacency will be replaced with excitement and motivation.

Micromanaging Every Step Your Subordinates Make

Constantly hovering over your employees’ shoulders tells them that you don’t trust them. Plus, the pressure of you always being around can lead to stress and therefore mistakes on the job. It’s vital to stop micromanaging their every step. You need to learn to delegate tasks properly as this will imbue your workforce with a sense of independence and help create an environment that encourages them to succeed.

Not Having the Proper Qualifications

Another reason why you might experience challenges in your leadership role is a lack of proper qualifications. Leaders are typically expected to be quite efficient at organizing teams, defining goals, delegating tasks and deciding on priorities. However, this needn’t be the case or it is quite simply an area that can be improved. Fortunately, there is always the option of attending the appropriate course which can be done in conjunction with work and also without ever leaving the house. Those that learn how to effectively manage and lead will not only be helping their business but also the people below them who will be able to take on board any relevant skills and information that they themselves can apply in their day-to-day. 

Refusing to Accept Changes and Innovations

If your subordinates notice that you are falling behind with all the new innovations in your field, they might start to doubt your expertise and therefore leadership. You need to stay in the loop when it comes to the latest developments in your industry and try to implement them as soon as you see that they can be of great use for your business. On the other hand, you have to make sure you don’t go overboard and introduce innovations just to seem like you’re keeping up with the trends. Discuss these changes with your team members as then you will have more opinions on the matter and you’ll show them you care about their opinion.

Not Asking for Help When You Need It

In order to instill a sense of trustworthiness and collaboration among your staff, you need to set a good example when it comes to this. That means that you cannot refuse to ask for help when you need it. Don’t let your insecurity and stubbornness stop you from allowing your coworkers to help you with certain assignments. You will get some fresh opinions regarding the problem you’ve encountered. This might result in quickly solving the issue at hand, and will show your workers that you are willing to work together with them.

Unwillingness to Help and Teach

Just like you could use their help, you also need to be prepared to come to their aid when they need you. If you are the team leader, you are probably more experienced when it comes to certain topics which means that you need to use your expertise and teach them more about how to deal with certain tasks. Show your coworkers that you will always have the time to coach them and help them grow. Learn how to provide them with clear instructions and further work on your communication with the rest of the team. Moreover, don’t be disinterested but go up to them and see whether they need some advice – of course, without micromanaging.

Creating a Negative Atmosphere

If you have a negative attitude, that is going to reflect on the overall atmosphere in the office. Negativity will affect the confidence of the workforce as well as impact their productivity and general mood. Remembering every mistake that was made and constantly bringing it up will not help you move forward, so try to get over those as soon as you can and see them as an opportunity to improve your business. Do your best to keep a positive mindset and you’ll see the employees feel better as well.

Keep these seven barriers in mind when trying to be a successful leader. Work on yourself first and once you are confident and knowledgeable about what you have to do, you will have no problems getting your employees to follow you.

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