Have you ever had a time when everything felt grey, words lost its meaning and felt like people cared but not enough?
I did, and obviously it was hell. A living hell on earth. I would feel like I am nothing to no one, career going downhill, not able to meet the expectations of people close to me. I’ve always been secretive as a person; it is not easy for me to talk to my friends about the issues I face or the fact that everything I do makes my life miserable.
People have neglected depression for many years; it is not considered as a legit illness and is just something going in your head. Depression affects globally, more than 264 million people of all ages. It should, in no case, be taken lightly. I was constantly struggling with my academic goals, failing exams constantly no matter what I do, which lead me to even other problems in my life. It affected my relationship with other people too.
What I Did To Help Myself to Get Out of Depression
The first step to get out of depression is to talk. Talking is really essential as otherwise, the thoughts will eat you up. During depression, the simplest of things multiply themselves and come back tenfold. Smallest of things happening around me affected me like it was everything I ever cared for. Talk it out to friends or family or that one close person who is your human diary. But remember to stay away from people who you think will judge you for any of the things as it will only mess up things further. Make your chat interesting if it’s not easy for you to talk with people in-person.
The second step, my eating habits were utterly absurd. I consumed lots of items having sugar which is something that should not be done. Stress eating and above of that consuming sugary items made my health miserable. Keeping food habits in check is essential. Minimise junk food or carbs and sugar and focus on healthy eating. Unlike me, if you skip meals while you are depressed, you should immediately stop doing so. Don’t skip meals, brain and your body need proper nutrients at the proper time so never skip a meal.
Other things I did to make my life interesting was that I started exercising regularly, transforming my negative energy to something positive, and it definitely helped me a lot and also made my body healthy physically. I surrounded myself to positive people as much as I could. I did things that made me happy a lot, it can be anything like playing games, developed reading habits and began with reading a book, watching your all-time fav movies, anything, it depends on your choice.
And the most important thing you can do for yourself is to think positively. As Joaquin Phoenix said in Joker “All I have are negative thoughts.” I will be honest with you right now it will not be easy, you will have to constantly remind yourself to be positive. The mind is a very complex part of the human body and needs to e treated with utmost care and love. Keep giving yourself all the love you think you deserve.
Professional help in case of depression and anxiety is crucial, I had heard about therapy for depression and anxiety but coming from a small town; it was not possible for me to go for treatment as there was no therapist available in my town. So after researching on the internet, I came to know about the concept of online therapy for depression and anxiety that can literally be done from anywhere at my own convenience.
If you are looking for a career to help people in depression and do that online then you can be a counsellor by going through some therapy jobs. This way you will be able to help people and also earn money.
From my experience, these are the
Reasons Why Online Therapy for Depression Works
The therapy was accessible remotely
This advantage of online therapy for depression is advisable for anyone who is disabled, or for whom traditional therapy is not feasible like me, or for people who are introvert that prefer to talk people less face to face and may feel more comfortable to talk online.
It was convenient for me
Between academy and job, I had very limited time to actually go for therapy and it was almost impossible for me to actually go for therapy during day time. So it was convenient for me to do online therapy at night. I could talk to the expert at any time of the day I wanted to.
It was relatively affordable
I researched online about the costs and I felt that online therapy was way less cheap than traditional consulting. There are certified experts to treat your depression in both the cases so there is no compromise there and also commute time is also not there so no commute expenses.
The online therapy for depression is legit good and conducive as I need to chat or talk through email to the experts at the time I want to and need to. Online counselling helped me through my depression and today I can proudly say that I do not have depression.