Car accident settlement Car accident settlement

Unexpected Expenses in an Accident Injury Case

A vehicle accident can turn your world upside down and can break your bank account with mounting unexpected medical bills and a host of other unexpected costs when you are involved in an accident.

If this accident was not your fault, you need compensation for damages. Were you injured in that accident due to the negligence of another driver creating unexpected expenses? It is rare if you would have enough money to pay for all the mounting debt. It would be best if you had some help and some compensation through a settlement. Why should you pay for someone else’s mistake?

Let Your Attorney Do the Speaking

Settling means that you and the guilty party agree to a certain amount of money, and you could short-change yourself.

Unexpected expenses soon come due, so you may be tempted to settle for the first amount the insurance company offers you. Never settle with any insurance company until you contact an injury attorney to work on your behalf.

Also, Never agree to speak with any insurance agent. Never admit fault or say you are sorry for the accident. If the accident was not your fault, comments such as these make it sound like you accept blame, and the results could be less then adequate compensation if any compensation at all.

Another issue to consider is that you agree not to pursue your case any further once you accept a settlement offer. If you do not settle for enough to take care of future medical bills, this comes out of your pocket. Insurance companies pay as little money as possible. If you are injured because of someone else’s negligent action, it is your right to a fair compensation.

Also read: What Happens if I Get Injured by an ATV that’s a Lemon?

When a Court Trial is Necessary

If insurance companies do not agree to your lawyer’s proposed settlement payment out of court, your case may go to court and trial, and the settlement amount is determined there.

Generally, no one wants to go to court. Consider that your case could be tied up in court for many days, months, or even years. If your lawyer can avoid going to court, they will. Going to court could mean that the jury could rule in your favor a much higher settlement than anticipated, or they could rule you get nothing. The court can rule in your favor any judgment; however, it is difficult for you to collect if the defendant has no money or little in an asset.

This attorney’s expertise is calculating a proper and reasonable amount of compensation for your situation. This compensation calculates all past, present, and future financial needs beyond what you could realize.

Accident Expenses

There seems to be an endless list of accident expenses. Some expenses apply, and some may not apply to your unique situation. Your attorney helps you figure out what you need to declare. The following is an extensive list of possible accident expenses covered under a vehicle accident settlement, and there are two groups of damages, general and special damages.

Do you need reimbursement for any of the following costs?

General Damages

  • Pain and Suffering
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Loss of Companionship
  • Disfigurement
  • Lon-term Medical Treatment

Special Damages

  • Medical Treatment
  • Loss of Wages
  • Loss of Income Opportunity
  • Property Damage
  • Economic Losses
  • Disability and Limitations
  • Long-Term Disability and Medical Treatment
  • Present and Future Medical Treatment
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Surgical Procedures
  • Doctor Visits
  • Follow up Care
  • Rehabilitation Care
  • In-Home Nursing Care

Never feel bad about suing for accident compensation because when you sustain injuries and losses due to someone else’s neglect, it is your right for a fair and just settlement to help pay for those unexpected expenses.

Also read: Most Common Places Slip and Trip Accidents Occur

Is Your Insurance in Place to Protect Your Future?

Your insurance is in place for this very reason; it is the defendant’s insurance carrier who is primarily responsible for your mounting expenses. When you file a claim with your insurance company, that company will try to get the money from the defendants’ insurance company.

You pay your auto insurance for the fundamental reason for being covered if you are in a crash, and it is not your fault. You pay your insurance carrier to protect you against past and future lost income. It is sad to say, but your insurance company does not want to pay you any more money then must pay.

Either side can reject a settlement amount and try again for an agreed amount of money to avoid a court hearing. Either side can have many reasons for not accepting a settlement offer to pay for expenses, such as who was really at fault. In these cases, both sides negotiate again.

You may have to present more information such as police reports, Witness testimony, injuries, medical treatment required, your future prognosis for physical condition, and future treatment. These expenses include your past and current costs.

Also read: How to Win a Personal Injury Claim: 5 Proven Tips

An Experienced Injury Attorney is Your Best Option for a Fair Settlement

If you sustained injuries in an accident due to someone else’s neglect, hire an experienced and skilled injury attorney to plan your case. An experienced injury attorney is your best option to get the settlement you desperately need to pay for all unexpected costs; past, present, and future. Your lawyer works to get you a favorable settlement.

When you agree on a settlement, you must sign a release form. This form releases the insurance carrier from any further liabilities connected to your accident. Accident/injury cases can be simple, or they can become complex and complicated. At any rate, it is best to hire an experienced injury attorney.

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