Engineering trending us Engineering trending us

“ World Class Engineers” denotes the engineers of tomorrow who are competent enough to turn their ideas into reality through the knowledge gained by them. India need to complete some activities to transform the curriculum for training and skill up gradation as generating awareness and acknowledging students about the competition around them.

Actually, The most important thing about engineering colleges have now become a “ Profit Making Market”

In India, Employment is judged only on basis of grades. Is it enough to mug materials, vomit them during your examination and pass with good grades??
Pursuing intellectual skills is totally a different pursuit. No doubt, grades can just be a criteria but skills can fulfil a job satisfactorily which not only profits the company but it initiates a platform for further

Quality in education is a complex concept and can be defined with parameters such as excellence in education etc. Quality Engineering Education is the development of intellectual skills and knowledge that will equip graduates to contribute to society through productive and satisfying engineering careers as innovators, decision makers and leaders in the global economy.
It demands a process of continuous improvement and innovation in student and societal satisfaction by collectively evaluating and refining the system and culture of engineering education institutions.

What can help ?

Collaboration with the leading institutions and organizations will help in making the Indian engineering as world-class. Internship during the course of study must be included in order to train the students to face the corporative world.

An attempt to make developing Indian countries as World Class Institutions

• The universities should be in a position to offer to the students a combination of science and technology courses so that they could opt for technology-oriented programmes after studying

• If industry starts providing research funding to the institutions, it will have a stake in making them more innovative.

• The universities should ensure that there is continuous learning for the students pursuing technology oriented programmes by improving the laboratory facilities and by introducing some course work.

• They stay in touch with teaching while they research. We should also enhance stipends to meritorious students. We need to instill confidence in the scientists and faculty who return from abroad to think about solving India-centric problems and back up new ideas.

We need to draw faculty from industry and other institutions for teaching purposes particularly for professional course.

There are few changes which could result to a better and really qualified engineers by any institute is by revising the courses and curricula. However, processes have to be set up for constant up gradation of courses. Development of a system of internal assessment (fair internal assessment is must no discrimination to be encouraged) which is resulting in much better interaction between teachers and students. The institutes should be used in future for strengthening under-graduate education to prepare students for a more competitive and challenging world and even upgrading the library systems with proper classification and larger access to materials.

These are words which are easy to be written, The real attempt is in the hands of those deans & directors, Who can change the face of engineering, Both the ways.

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