How to build high self esteem

5 Secrets to Build High Self Esteem

Since childhood, we have been taught to respect others in order to gain it. But all goes wrong if you neglect the importance of respecting your own self. Self-respect or self-esteem is a fundamental of a healthy, happy you. Having self-esteem isn’t being a narcissist or possessing an egoistic feeling of superiority, it is about trusting, loving and believing yourself and about making choices, taking paths that make you happy. The lack of self-esteem leaves one with emotions of anxiety, regret, and self-neglect leading to a sceptical attitude towards yourself and your decisions.

You don’t need to be the smartest kid in your class or a millionaire to have self-esteem.

Follow these simple steps to build high self-esteem which can change your life forever.

1. Accept The Things You Can’t Change:-

3 secrets to build high self esteem accept change

We always tend to get attracted to the idea of us being better. But there are some things you cannot change, certain physical qualities for instance. So, instead of lamenting over it for the rest of life, accept that it cannot be changed and learn to defocus that ‘inevitable’ in your life.

2. Work for the Things You Can Change:-

3 secrets to build high self esteem try for change

Procrastination or fear often comes in the way when you try to change for good. Overcome the barriers and bring the change you would like to see in yourself. It helps you make yourself more likeable in your eyes hence enhancing your self-respect.

Related:- 6 Ways to Stop Dreaming and Start Doing

3. Do not focus on outcomes but growth:-

Plant along side the tree   build high self esteem

People whose self-esteem is high are always more focused on the process than the outcome.

It suggests they may have very specific goals and results that they would like to accomplish, but they don’t spend much time and effort worrying about it. Rather, they hold their attention firmly on the growth process — small things they constantly need to do that help them going in the right direction.
Successful businessmen, for example, might have the goal of making a billion-dollar business, but they certainly don’t spend any time and energy dreaming what it’ll be like to achieve the billion-dollar mark.

they rather concentrate on hiring skilled employees, designing and improving their products, treating their staff well, etc. In other words, they’re focused on developing their company a little bit more every day, realizing that if the trend continues, they’ll eventually hit their target.

This emphasis on process and growth gives rise to reasonably high self-esteem on a personal level as you are reminded of positive movement on a daily basis, even if this movement is modest. But if you spend most of your time worrying about your end result, all you’ll feel is that you’re still not there, which sooner or later becomes discouraging and led to lower self-esteem.

One practical thing that you can do to build high self-esteem is to continue turning your attention to the routine work and activities that will contribute to the result if done regularly.

⠀Do not forget when it comes to objectives and results, you just have to get started without getting worried about the end results. At first, clearly define your goals, then spend the rest of your time and energy on the routines and actions which will gradually push you closer towards your goals, In the long run, you’ll not only be more likely to achieve that target, but your self-esteem will rise all along the way.

4. Effectively manage your expectations:-

Quotes on expectations   build high self esteem
Boost Thyself

Unless your anger management skills are excellent, being constantly overwhelmed with a strong negative feeling makes it easy to slip into self-esteem squashing bad habits such as self-judgment, non-assertive speech, and avoidance or loneliness.

On the other side, one of the easiest and most often overlooked methods of overcoming the above cycle and building high self-esteem is to help manage your expectations. When we have less and more practical expectations we can easily avoid other stressful emotions and feelings and all the shredders of self-esteem that seem to go along with it.

5. Don’t Be ‘Too Hard’ on Yourself:-

3 secrets to build high self esteem try for change don't be too hard on your self

Mind your self-talk; it largely reflects how you think of yourself. Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love and replace pessimistic sentences like ‘I don’t think I can do it’ with optimistic sentences like ‘Yes, I can do it!’ The tinge of positivity will do wonders in boosting your self-confidence along with self-respect.
These simple but very effective steps can help you succeed and take the giant leap from self-deprecation to self-respect; because if you don’t respect yourself, the world wouldn’t either.

Also Read:-

6 Ways to Make Your Life More Peaceful

6 Bad Habits that Can be Good For You


Credits for Featured Image:- Indo Indians

  1. Devika Jaiswal says:

    Nice post simple and well written

    1. Aesha Anurag says:

      Thank you for the review!

  2. Shekahhar says:

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    1. Aesha Anurag says:

      Glad to know that it helped you! Keep reviewing!

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