
Beginner’s 5-Step Guide to Roast Green Coffee Beans

Did you love your cup of coffee first thing in the morning? If so, you’re definitely not alone.

In fact, 64% of Americans claim to drink at least one cup of coffee every day. That’s a lot of coffee and a lot of coffee beans.

Serious coffee drinkers understand the importance of using fresh beans to make your morning brew. After all, freshly-roasted beans are a crucial step in the brewing process.

This article takes a look at how to roast green coffee beans so that your cup of morning joe will be as robust and delicious as possible. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on taking your morning coffee experience to the next level.

Sourcing Your Coffee Beans

Let’s start by talking about sourcing the green beans you’re going to roast. It’s important to understand that all coffee beans are green before they’ve been roasted.

The key to finding the right types of coffee beans for roasting at home is to know what you like. Long-time coffee drinkers will understand what to ask for. Just be sure to find a reliable source that will provide quality beans. 

Here’s a resource for buying the best green coffee beans.

Choosing a Roasting Method

There’s more than one way to roast your coffee beans. The most inexpensive method is to simply use your oven and a skillet, although this method isn’t necessarily recommended for beginners. 

You could also use a popcorn machine, which is rather straightforward and easy, but it might void the warranty on your popper.

Or you can invest in a bean roast that’s designed specifically for coffee roasting.

Creating a Roasting Space In Your Home

You can roast just about anywhere in your home. The key is to make sure that you have adequate ventilation. Thus you need to open the windows and perhaps use an extractor fan to help pull out the smoke.

It’s also wise to invest in a scale and a thermometer, along with a small fan for cooling the beans and silicon gloves to protect your hands when handling hot materials. 

The Roasting Process

For air roasters or popcorn machines, you can expect the process to take about 8-12 minutes. For drum roasters, the process will typically take 14-20 minutes.

Keep in mind that the lower the roasting temperature, the longer the process will take.

It’s also extremely important to provide constant movement for the beans to prevent burning.

Tips for Cooling and Storage

Once the roasting is complete, it’s important to cool them as quickly as possible. Why is this so crucial? Well, because they will continue to roast until they’ve completely cooled.

The best storage method is to seal your roasted beans in a foiled-lined bag or an airtight container placed in a cool, dark place.

A Beginner’s Guide On How to Roast Green Coffee Beans

For coffee lovers, there’s nothing better than using the best beans for making the ultimate cup of morning joe. Fortunately, these tips for how to roast green coffee beans will help you consistently make the best cup of coffee you’ve ever tasted.

Continue exploring this blog for more cool lifestyle tips and advice.

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