
How to Get Off the Grid for Good

Simplicity. We all long for it.

Our modern society is hectic, busy, interconnected, and extremely stressful. The cares of everyday life wear us down. They take all of our time and energy, keeping us from doing the things that give life to our soul.

Many people are choosing to forgo much of what modern society demands of us. They are looking to get off the grid, live independently, stop paying bills, and enjoy all that life has to offer.

But what does getting off the grid even look like? What are the benefits of living off the grid? And how do you make it happen? That’s what we cover below.

What Does It Mean to Get off the Grid?

It’s kind of a confusing term. Many people have different definitions for getting off the grid.

When it comes down to it, living off the grid means being as self-sufficient as possible. It means living how you want, where you want, with as little input from societal norms as possible.

For many, living off the grid could be living in a tiny home in the mountains. It might mean living in an RV or van, driving from place to place.

In most cases, it means not having to pay rent or a mortgage every month. It means not having to pay energy bills like gas, electricity, or water. And it may mean living off the land; gathering, growing, and harvesting your own food.

The specifics of how you live on a day to day basis are up to you. But most people agree that escaping the expenses of modern society, rent and bills, will free up your time immensely.

How to Get off The Grid

The basics for getting off the grid include; choosing a place to live, providing drinking water, electricity, and your preferred forms of fun and recreation.

When it comes to shelter, you need to determine your lifestyle. Do you want to purchase a plot of land, build a tiny home or full-sized sustainable home, and live life on your land? A tiny home is the best way to get off the grid for homebodies.

Or do you see yourself traveling at your leisure, living a nomadic life, experiencing more of the world? If so, you can get a tiny home that can be transported by trailer.

You can also outfit an RV or van to be cozy enough to call home. This is usually the cheapest way to get off the grid for beginners.

You’ll need a home that can provide shelter from the elements, keeping you warm in any cold weather you face. Electricity is almost always necessary. Luckily, a home solar installation can work for any off-grid home, tiny house, or RV.

If you are staying put, digging a well or building a rainwater collection system can help provide water to drink and wash with. If you are on the move, you can purchase portable water filters for use at any freshwater lake, stream, or river.

Is Living off the Grid Right for You?

Most people will never even consider disengaging themselves from modern society to live a simple, more sustainable life. But they’re the ones who will miss out.

They may never discover what they were capable of, or what they were missing as a result of being bombarded with the American dream. But for the rest of us, it’s time to get off the grid and live an independent, fulfilling, sustainable life out in the natural world.

Looking for more tips on creating a meaningful, efficient life? Be sure to visit more on our blog today.

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