Trending us 4 ingenious alternatives to engagement rings 1

4 Ingenious Alternatives To Engagement Ring

It seems that an Engagement ring is a must when someone pops the question, doesn’t it? Well, that’s where you are wrong. Nowadays young couples tend to forego spending thousands of dollars on a sparkly diamond ring that you’ll be terrified of losing your whole life. Instead, this amount of money can be used to kick-start your life together. It can go towards funding your honeymoon or buying your future house together.

Additionally, deviating from buying an Engagement ring gives you a unique opportunity to be original. If there’s one thing you want to do is make your beloved feel special through the amount of thought you’ve put into your proposal. That includes choosing what you propose with.

Here’s a list of ingenious alternatives to Engagement rings that can help you set your proposal plan into motion.


#1 Promise Rings

Promise rings can, in fact, serve as a placeholder for your wedding bands. It’s not quite the same thing as an Engagement Ring, however. Promise rings tend to be a lot more affordable than classic engagement rings. Additionally, promise rings offer you the freedom of choice that Engagement rings wouldn’t be able to. The unique designs and personalization options you can find online allow you to craft something truly special. Also, choosing a sweet promise ring is much less confusing than trying to pick the right cut of diamond that will suit your beloved’s finger shape.

The best part is, you both get to have a ring. This alone shows a unique bond and commitment that a one-sided ring won’t be able to.


#2 Couples Necklaces

An engagement necklace is a great alternative to an Engagement Ring for someone who works with their hands on a daily basis. I can not stress enough how many times I had to clean my own engagement ring simply because I forgot to take it off while cooking. So, an engagement necklace is a winning option for people who have a hands-on kind of job.

Although you can simply go with a solitaire necklace when proposing, you can again go the “matching” route. There are plenty of necklaces for couples out there to choose from and they, again, can signify your mutual commitment to marriage. Some pre-made designs of such necklaces are absolutely lovely but you can also go for a custom or personalized version of a pair of necklaces.


#3 Matching Tattoos

As a rule of thumb, tattoos are associated with commitment. It is something that gets drilled into your head the minute you mention getting a tattoo to your parents. It is something you will have with you forever so you have to choose carefully making sure you’ll love it forever. Doesn’t it sound a bit like deciding to get married? It does. So wouldn’t it be appropriate to get a matching set of tattoos to symbolize your decision that “yes, this is the one I will love forever”?

You can get the tattoos done on your left ring fingers. This is the obvious way to go. But the decision is ultimately yours.


#4 Relationship Bracelets

We’ve been familiar with the concept of relationship bracelets our whole lives, although normally, the relation bracelets took on the form of friendship bracelets. Now that you are older and are ready to get married maybe it is time to go back to the beginning and give this piece of jewelry a chance to become something you propose with. Relationship bracelets have this sweet ring of innocence and simplicity to them, something you might both cherish in a hectic world. As always, there are tons of design and customization options to choose from. They also, just as matching necklaces, tend to stay out of the way when working in comparison to rings.


Hopefully, this list has helped you find the right alternative to an Engagement Ring and you are ready to propose to your beau. If not, there’s still a valuable lesson to learn from it: as long as you love each other, put enough effort and thought into the engagement the price tag or the ring don’t really matter.

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