Summer vacation activities

20 Things To Do This Summer Vacation To Make It Count

And finally, the summer is here. So your school or college is over and you want to do something special with this summer holiday. Probably you have some vacation plans ready about what to do this summer. Of course, Summer vacation is your time, and completely up to you how you want to spend it.

You can do some amazing stuff, like every one of your classmates does such as outing, hiking, games, TVs, and probably sleeping. But, instead of spending all your free time just enjoying and doing the stuff for temporary fun.

It’s quite better to invest this vacation time in doing something Great.

Top 20 productive things to make your summer vacation – Real Fun!

We want you to do this summer holiday something enjoyable and more worthwhile. Because vacation is the Best time to do something for yourself, for your future.

1. Learning from YouTube

Youtube tutorials

Apart from entertaining videos and movie trailers you have been watching till today, Youtube is also a great source of the information, too. Looking at the educational purpose, you can learn new skills and tutorials on youtube. You can find all the purposeful video tutorials on youtube from “How to build a website..” to “How to bake a cake…”. That advances your knowledge and develops a skillset. Time investing in learning is always the Best.

2. Take an Internship

Taking an internship

Another great way to spend your summer vacation is to take the internship programs. At the time when most friends are spending time watching TV and all, you can do something that benefits your future itself. Having an internship is the best option when you want to acquire work experience. Also, that helps you in identifying your career interest and finding your passion.

Before you earn something, you have to learn something.

Also Read: 7 Reasons to Intern at a Start-up

3. Social activities

Social activity

Vacation is a time when you can do something for society. Spend your free time helping someone who needs some help. Go to an animal shelter, clean your society area with friends, spend time at old age homes or anything. Do something to help others. That makes you feel proud.

You don’t need money to help others, all you need is to have that heart that feels what others need.

4. Learn a new language

Learn languages

Learning a new skill is a great way to spend your free time. And learning a new language is a quite unique skill. Even research proves that learning new languages boosts your thinking process and memories. Here are the resources to learn other languages:

  • Duolingo
  • Busuu
  • 50languages

5. Exercise Daily


During school/college time you have very little time for your health. Or just have other work that does not let you workout. Now you have an opportunity to work on yourself. So have a routine schedule of exercise and running this vacation and actually follow that. Once you have built that habit, you never skip the exercise even after your vacation is over.

Also Read: Activities for a Healthy Body

6. Time to develop new skills


There’s no better time to learn new skills when you have free time available. You can invest your summer vacation time, learning new skills and mastering it. Also, you can maintain the learning streaks with the required focus these days.

Some of the important skills to develop are…

  • Public speaking
  • Calligraphy
  • Copywriting
  • Positive thinking
  • Cooking
  • Organizing

7. Read a lot, learn a lot


We know vacation is time to get rid of your school books. But here we want you to develop a reading habit. Read out the Books that actually help you grow. Find some positive books, and educate yourself for the future. Get in touch with some inspirational and leadership staff, that helps you to be a future leader. You are in the internet age, so why not read those ebooks and online blog posts discussing some interesting and thoughtful stuff.

8. Online courses

Online courses

Don’t limit your learning to school only. Make more out of your vacation time, going through online learning resources. Attain some online seminars and courses as per your interests. Here are some sites providing online courses:

9.. Museums and Historical places

Musuem visit

You probably want to learn more about your nation and cultures, then the museum is the best place to visit. Make a plan to visit a museum in your town and learn something new and interesting. Visiting historical places provide a glimpse of our history and all. A worthwhile vacation activity to understand our pasts.

10. Your First Business

First business

Not on a large scale but offer what you can do for others. Vacation is the best time to make some money and create your first income source. Don’t worry about how long it lasts, but who knows you may find the passion of your life within. Also, the first time working and earning your own self will be good memories to remind and share.

11. Learn How to Manage Your Money

Money management

It’s completely up to you how you manage your time. In the summertime, you also have a chance to learn to manage your time and money as well. Like you manage your summer with doing things you like, you also learn money management. Even if you are getting pocket money, you learn how to spend and save. Set your money budget and try to manage the money likewise.

That money management skill definitely will be beneficial for your future self. To make it even easier, Bright keeps your finances on track and always optimizes them to make smart credit card payments for you, automatically. Bright finds the smartest and fastest way to help you build your savings even during the holiday seasons.

12. Go Natural

Go natural

Go for a picnic and adventure trip to get closer to nature. Enjoy the wildlife and feel the fresh air. Plan a picnic with your friends and family and collect as many memories you can. Hiking, tracking, traveling anything that puts closure to nature and wildlife. Because that is not possible on the normal days. You can also do grand canyon and hoover dam tours.

13. Learn About Other Countries and Cultures

Conuntries and cultures

Your school history book can’t cover everything. During this summer vacation, you have time to learn more about the cultures around the world. Take a country every single day and learn about their culture and customs. You have available online resources to look into how this world has developed for years. You can use Google Earth, to learn about new places that you never heard of.

14. Try Out Some Different Career Options

Career options

The best time to experiment with a career is when you have no responsibility. Your summer vacation is the best time to try and test with the various jobs work and find out what you are good at. Not limited to an internship, take a weekly job, (if possible) to adjust and understand the work culture closely. Of course, you won’t learn in a week everything, but at least you have a list that you try. Seek different things as possible, and do anything till you find it boring or passionate.

15. Start a Blog

Start blogging

A blog can be your personal story or knowledge sharing or anything. Start a personal blog using Blogger or WordPress website builder. Set a website, design theme and just start writing. Of course, you can keep updating your stories on Facebook and Instagram, but running a blog is something more than that. Take time to learn website creation and create your online identity. Blogging gives you an opportunity to do something that you like and make money out of it.

Want to know where to start? Refer to our article on How to Start a Successful Blog.

16. Planning for life goals

Life goals

No matter if you are in school or college, it’s better to have your own life expectations ready. Spend some time understanding yourself and decide what you want to achieve in the future. Make a list of the goals and put your age to achieve that before. Having a life goal will motivate you daily and make you jump out of bed early. As you know you have a lot many things to do in life and your life will never be that boring anymore. Especially when you have a purpose, to live.

17. Be with the Right Leader


Your young age is the best time to do something for your future self. Find the leader a mentor that you want to follow and always learn from them. A leader will help you become a more career-oriented and better version of yourself. Have a leader that shows you the right way in life and helps you grow.

Leaders or role models are your personal inspirational source and never feel low at any time perhaps.

Also Read: 11 Traits Every Leader Must Have

18. Learn to play any Instrument

Playing instruments

Learning any musical instrument during the summer vacation, is probably what most of us relate to. After all, we are passionate about music and have never got time to learn any music. But summer vacation is the best time to learn any instruments. Enroll yourself in learning music instruments that you want to play. Because on a vacation you have time to learn and practice without any distractions.

19. Travel as much as you can


Vacation gives you some free time to free yourself from routine. Whereas traveling gives you an opportunity to know yourself closely. Plan a long or short trip with family and friends and create the Best travel memories this summer. If not possible, then better to plan a solo trip. That fills your heart with the adventurers and minds with positive thoughts. The experiences you have from summer vacation trips will definitely free up yourself from routine life. Indeed, you feel refreshed and positive changes after spending some time on your own and disconnected from your regular life.

20. Watch A Series of Movies

Movie streams

During school and college time, it’s quite difficult to watch the entire movie sequences. Now vacation is a great time to watch a movie on a streak. Grab the collection of your favorite genre movies and watch them in a sequence. Watching a movie in streak also lets you get more insight into the storyline and some secrets you haven’t noticed earlier.

Here, I am sharing the list of some all-time favorite movie series for your summer holidays:

  • Avengers
  • Doctor Strange
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • The Hobbit
  • Harry Porter
  • Mission Impossible
  • Rocky
  • Star Wars
  • X-Men
  • Star Trek

And of course, other you have MCUs and DCs universes.

I know many of you have watched any of these already, But watching in chronological order is a whole different experience. And worth having.

Final thoughts

Yeah, we know Summer vacation has to be full of fun and enjoyment. Ask yourself what you want to do in the future, and where you want to be in the future and just start doing it today. Don’t wait for another summer to come. Because…

Your future depends on what you do Today.

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