Best things to do before lockdown ends

15 Things to do Before Lockdown Ends

Probably you’ve completed your trending netflix series twice up till now, and looking for more things to do at home. So here, we are sharing the best productive things to do before lockdown ends.

Of course, you can do all the things that most people out there doing like resting and movie-marathon or you can make productive use of these lockdown times. Without any doubt, the Corona outbreak has completely changed everyone ‘s regular life. But instead, take this time as a burden and feeling helpless, it’s better to do something great out of this opportunity.

All, we want you to keep yourself active during the lockdown while staying at home. For that, here we presenting the top things to do this quarantine that helps you even after the lockdown is over.

Consider these are not boring ways such as watching repeated TV-shows and web series or even sleeping. But are sets of investment to make this lockdown time worth for upcoming life.

List of Productive Things to do Before Lockdown Ends

1. Learning a New Language

Learning a new language

Why can’t lockdown be enjoyable anymore? You definitely can learn a new language staying at home. During the working time, you hardly have enough time to study that, but now it is. Learn new languages of your choice from youtube and other online course sites like Udemy, eduex, and all. And the best option is Duolingo to learn new languages in the lockdown season.

2. Manage Your Wardrobe

Manage your wardrobe

Lockdown is the best time to do all things that you haven’t had a chance to do, while working full time. Yes, it’s time to re-arrange your wardrobe. Fix up those old dresses, that you aren’t wearing anymore. Now you can adjust your wardrobe properly this time. After all, now just can’t say that “I don’t have time”.

3. Have Action Plan Ready Before Lockdown Ends

Have action plan ready before lockdown ends

Remember, whatever the situation we all are in right now, it’ll never last long. So better to think about life after lockdowns. Set some time out of your current routine time and plan for the future. You can create and strategize things regarding personal and professional life, you wish to do after the lockdown. And that time is not so far, so be prepared. Have your all-action plan ready for the next phase of life.

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4. Learn Any Musical Instrument

Learn any musical instrument

It’s time to dust off your guitar that, you left practicing years ago, due to career aspects. So now tune your guitar again and just start learning where you’ve stopped. Use this spare time keeping yourself busy in songs you used to play. Similarly, join any online course to teach you any musical instrument and develop productive skills before lockdown gets over.

5.  Add Additional Skills To Your Job Profiles

Additional skills

Agree, that due to lockdown, a regular job economy is infected badly, and many people are about to lose their jobs. In such a scenario, we want you to look for advancing your expertise and create your personal brand over it. You can take some professional courses to learn new skills or educate yourself to make a unique identity in the market. So before we go back to our normal life, when lockdown ends you are ready with a newer version of yourself. Who are capable enough to tackle the new career challenges.

6. Start a Blog

Start a blog

What else can be the better way to utilize quarantine other than starting a blog? Don’t think too much about the theme and complex website development. You need nothing at all, you just need that passion and creative ideas that you want to share with the world. So just start blogging, right now. Believe me, once you are habitual of the blogging system, you will never get bored anymore. Even better, if your niche-blog becomes authoritative, it can support you with making more money. So create a schedule and start blogging before lockdown ends.

If you want to learn blogging, our this article is for you, How to Start a Successful Blog: Top Tips for Beginners

7. Get Healthy. Stay Fit.

Get healthy. Stay fit.

Don’t restrain your fitness to gym only. There are some exercises, you can work out at home without any equipment, too. Focus on your physical health. Maintain your exercise routine at home as well. Don’t wait for the gym to open. Try out the other workout techniques and keep your body and mind active while in quarantine. Also, check out our miniguide on core exercises.

8. Maintain a Journal

Maintain a journal

Start writing for yourself routinely in quarantine. Start journaling everything about you, your learnings, and experiences. You can especially write personal lockdown stories, too. Journal writing will not just to keep yourself busy, but to remind these hard times as memories over how you’ve spent your time in lockdown. Also, list out your goals and the progress you’ve follows towards your goals. Who knows, that can be your motivational source in the future.

9. Creating Own Online Identity

Creating own online identity

With a lot of time surfing on the web and using contents created by others, what else can you do in this lockdown? How about creating your online identity? With that means, we want you to start your youtube channel to share your creative ideas and specialized skills that benefit others,too. Or else you can manage your own Instagram page and produce the regular content with a theme and not limited to personal pics and selfies. Due to that, you can create your personal brand in this quarantine season.

Related: What To Do When You Miss Someone

10. Side-Hustle

Side hustle

Another great point and productive way to utilize this lockdown time are to create the side-hustles. Agreed that, you can not earn big so instantly at first. But, to reach the expected income level you have to start small. If you have any specialized skills like website development, digital marketing, or writing and all, start monetizing your skills and reach out to those who need your services. Or begin with learning affiliate marketing. Start small, but stay steady. That’s the challenge of side-hustles. So grab this opportunity, a lockdown presents and aim for generating extra income sources that support you.

11. Challenge Yourself For Doing Somethings Great

Challenge yourself for doing somethings great

If you want to stay active and entertaining while being locked at home, then you can set the challenges for yourself. Certainly, you can challenge yourself for maintaining the two-hours exercise streaks or posting a single post every day for the next 1 or 2 months or even till the lockdown ends. It’s up to you what you want to get done from yourself. Take the creative ideas from Instagram challenges and other online competitions involving to perform some timeless and exciting things.

12. Follow Self-discipline. 

Follow self discipline.

Social distancing and lockdown are itself the part of the social discipline, but here we are talking about the individual discipline. No matter whether you are working these times or not, just never change your routines by any means. Especially working from home can be challenging at some time, so better to organize your time well. Don’t let the negative outcomes of remote working impact you, such as losing focus and being lazy. All you need is to have your routine set and habit of self-discipline to improve productivity while working from home.

Related: Top Ways to Help You Take Control of Your Life

13. Reading a Book

Reading a book

Another best thing to do before lockdown ends is to spend time reading books that educate you. Inspiring books are like exercise to mind, which also advances your knowledge and improves your thinking process. Reading industry books are a better way to absorb knowledge from the learning experiences of subject experts. So improving your reading skills and challenge yourself to accomplish at least four to five books of your interest, before the lockdown ends.

14. Become an Artist

Become an artist

Do you have any special talents like painting and calligraphy? Then lockdown is the best time to do something creative. Spend some time in your artistic and craft skills, that will never let quarantine feel boring anymore. So grab your paintbrush and start creating. Another thing you can do is to spend time gardening while you are home. Decorate your backyards and Do plantation, you may not get this chance after lockdown ends. So better to spend some time on productive and creative aspects.

15. Networking With Like-minded Peoples


Indeed,you have to maintain the social distance and self-isolation because of the current situations. But here we talk about creating new relationships and reaching out to the people who are in your industry. Online communities and social media networks help you here, meet up with people online, and have a conversation with them. In the time when the whole world is facing the same issue, it’s better to have a logical discussion with like-minded peoples and grow own networks.

Related: Top Ways to Help You Take Control of Your Life

Final Thoughts

Here shared productive things are the best ones you can follow while stuck at home and to keep yourself entertaining and productive enough. Follow such things based on your interest and hobbies, that will keep you active till lockdown ends. Also, spending time doing productive things like this, helps you when you feel low due to whatever happening in the world right now.

Indeed, it’s completely up to you how you prefer to spend this time. Either you can take it as a short vacation and just relax or Grab this opportunity for doing something worthful. The choice is yours, always.

We share this post,as we want you to stay active and productive while being quarantined. After all, soon we all will get busy in our regular life and routine challenges. Doing something valuable in this idle time, we are preparing ourselves for the next life phase, especially for life after lockdown.

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