The ins and outs of professional it services min

4 Ins and Outs of Professional IT Services

If you’re a small or medium-sized business, you might not have the resources to have a fully-funded IT department. Even larger businesses may not have enough IT staff to accomplish everything that needs doing.

This is where IT services come into their own. Managed IT services can take care of various IT needs, leaving you with more time to run your business and your IT staff with more time to focus on other matters.

Yet what can an IT services company actually do? Let’s take a closer look!

Security Management

One of the most important roles of IT service management is taking care of your security. Cyberattacks can happen to any business: no business is too small to hack.

This means that having robust security in place is essential. Firstly, you need a strong antivirus and firewall, but it goes much further than that.

For instance, you need strong physical security with features like IP access control and IP video surveillance. You should also ensure that employees are well-trained in matters of security and that you have a business continuity plan that you’ll put into action if a hacker attacks your company.

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Cloud Management

Cloud services are another essential feature of any great managed IT services company. A strong managed services provider will be able to help you set up a cloud server that’s got very tight security, which will be the perfect place to store backups and business files.

If you use IT services by GenIX, for instance, they can also help you migrate between different clouds and find the perfect cloud solution for your business, whether this is a hosted private cloud or a hybrid solution.

Helpdesk Services

An IT helpdesk is a vital part of any company’s IT strategy. Let’s say that something goes wrong on an employee’s computer and they need to fix it. You have two options here: they can either contact your IT department or call the helpdesk.

Putting this extra work on the IT department is a poor idea. It stops them from doing more important tasks and decreases their productivity. IT support is effectively a full-time job!

Having helpdesk services on call allows your IT department to focus on other things while ensuring that your staff get the help that they need.

Office Relocation Services

When you move offices, you want the switch to be as smooth as possible. This involves a ton of work on the new office’s IT infrastructure, such as laying cables, securing the wi-fi network, and computer relocation.

Using managed IT services can make this process a whole lot easier. They’ll make it so easy that you and your employees will simply be able to go to the new office and start work straight away.

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IT Services Can Help You

We’ve shown you some key services that an IT services company can offer you, but we’ve only scratched the surface. To put it simply, if there’s an IT service that you need taken care of, a managed services provider can help you.

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