
How to Decide If You Should Move to Florida

Are you dreaming of the sunshine state?

A place with seemingly little worries, decorated by tanned residents and seafood as far as the eye can see. That isn’t to say that everyone should move here — the humidity and tourism ward off many starry-eyed people from taking up the relatively low-priced housing.

However, it may be a great option for those seeking sunny days and that southern, community feel. Keep reading to find out if you should move to Florida.

Considerations Before You Move to Florida

Before choosing a city and packing your bags, it’s important to note that you should spend some time visiting the state before you make the move. For some, it only takes a few visits to convince them to relocate.

For others, it may take checking out various cities while imagining living there.

Plan a few visits and keep the following factors in mind while you’re brainstorming.

Realize the Various Factors

While Florida has over 1,000 miles of coastline, lower costs for housing, and absolutely no state income tax, it’s important to weigh out some of the other factors present in Florida to decide if it’s right for you.

Is it a worthy trade to substitute snowy winters for one of the highest relative humidities in the country? Would you be okay with tourists if it would provide you a better opportunity for a job or discounted theme park tickets?

Are the manatees, dolphins, and birds a fair trade-off for mosquitoes, snakes, and alligators? Would you be okay with living in a nice neighborhood, even if you had to be on the lookout for hurricanes?

Answering these questions will help guide you to decide whether or not the trade-offs are worth it for your preferences.

Find a Suitable Location

The drive across the entire state takes about 13 hours. Each area is different in culture, attractions, and wildlife.

So, to find the best place to live in Florida, you’ll want to consider whether you want to be in the panhandle, north Florida, central Florida, or south Florida. You may want to check out the biggest towns and cities in each area and assess what it’s like there to get a general idea.

If you know that you’d like to make day trips to certain areas, you can choose to live within a close radius so that you can easily access it.

From there, you can look at various popular neighborhoods in the area you’re interested in moving to. The decision of whether you’ll rent or buy shouldn’t affect your ability to move there, as there is plenty of housing in the state.

It will make a difference financially, of course, but keep in mind that you won’t be paying state income taxes.

Check out What the Area Has to Offer

If you’re planning on moving to Florida to retire, do some research as to which community offers amenities that you’d use.

Otherwise, you may be interested in places that you can:

  • Attend performances, go to museums, and listen to live music
  • Eat the best seafood
  • Exercise (e.g. biking, running, skating, swimming, water-vessels, et cetera)
  • Explore natural parks and areas
  • Go hunting and fishing
  • Go to the beach
  • Golf
  • Partake in nightlife
  • Visit theme parks

Additionally, you’ll want to assess what types of jobs are most popular in the state and which ones will be available in the near future. In 2019, the fastest-growing jobs were:

  • Statistician
  • Rod buster
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Miner
  • Pipe insulator
  • Physician assistant
  • Cement mason
  • Physical therapist assistant
  • Occupational therapy assistant
  • Mechanical installer

This isn’t to say that these are the only jobs available. Rather, it highlights which careers are booming and will be available for the expected future.

No matter what career or job you’re interested in, it’s good to do research ahead of time to assess what’s currently available so that you can be confident in your ability to be employed.

Keep in Mind Long-Term Planning

When planning a big move, it’s important to keep in mind long-term planning so that you choose an area that fits your needs.

Unfortunately, all Florida residents must include hurricane preparation in their plans. The season runs from June 1st for about 5 months. It’s an unavoidable event in the southeast, but with preparedness and insurance, you can lessen the impacts if a hurricane does head your way. gives great tips on what’s involved in hurricane preparedness ahead of time and in the days leading up to the weather event. Keep in mind that just because it’s hurricane season for about half of the year doesn’t mean that there are storms every day.

Aside from planning for hurricanes, you may want to do some additional research if you’re planning on raising a family in Florida. This includes looking for the availability and quality of elementary, middle, and high schools in the area you’re interested in moving to.

Florida boasts some of the country’s best universities, including Florida State University and the University of West Florida. You can find a complete list here of all higher-education schools in the state, including community and private schools.

Make Moves When You’re Ready

If you’re convinced that a move to Florida is right for you, follow these tips to find the perfect town or city to reside in.

Be realistic in your approach by weighing various factors. Check out what certain areas have to offer, buy or rent a home, and prepare to be bathed in continuous sunshine.

Keep reading our blog for more real estate news and advice.

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