How to compliment a girl on her looks tips

How to Compliment a Girl on Her Looks (Without Sounding Creepy)

Knowing how to compliment a girl on her look can be a lifesaver tip for you. You might think there’s no risk as you just praise her to make her feel good. 

You don’t want to be creepy, too obsessed, or judgy about her looks. 

But you’re safe now, as you found this article at the right time.

Because here I have written a guide—not only on how to compliment her but also how to avoid being creepy. 

How to Compliment a Girl on Her Looks?

You want to make her feel special. You want to boost her confidence. That’s alright. But still, knowing how you can compliment her right is important, though. To avoid being creepy and remain respectful when raising a girl, here are some tips for you.

How not to compliment a girl on her looks

1. You’ve got to be genuine while complimenting her. 

Sincerity is the first and foremost thing that you should never ignore. Well, comments for girls, particularly, have to be genuine and sincere. Nothing too forced or too generic. Make her feel that you want to appreciate her genuinely and not do it just for some secret reason. 

2. You can compliment more than just her appearance.

This point is important, especially when you’re developing a connection with her. Other than complimenting her body features, you can mention her style, vibes, confidence, and personality. Make her feel that you have eyes on her unique qualities rather than just her body. 

3. Focus on what makes her look unique, not just ‘Beautiful’. 

Indeed, every girl is beautiful in herself. Most probably, they get to hear the same compliment many times. But how she’s different and what you see unique in her makes sense in praising her. The point is to be unique and show that you value her individual qualities. 

4. You want to make her feel respected before anything special. 

Always be careful and mindful of using the right words when complimenting a girl. Yes, even if it’s a one-word comment on her pictures or so. No matter what’s on your mind, being respectful to girls is what makes a compliment a good one.

5. You have to be clear and very specific. 

At any cost, you want to avoid saying, ‘You are great’, or ‘I like your hair/eyes/smile’, and so on. The clearer you are in praising her, the better she will feel about herself. And more, she will pay attention to your compliments rather than just ignore them. 

6. Mention the special traits that set her apart. 

Other than her physical appearance, you want to mention her confidence, intelligence, and some creative skills she carries. You might feel tempted to compliment her makeup or outfits. But avoid that; instead, you can focus on her character and nature. 

7. You want to consider secret cues before complimenting her.

Yes, an important point. You have to be careful with how she will take your compliments. You want to consider your connection, how you two go along, and how she might react. You certainly don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. So focus on her tone and her gesture first. 

8. Check her mood, situation, and the time. 

You might be thinking, Why does timing matter in complimenting her? There’s always a perfect time for it. Don’t rush; you have to wait and look for some important points, such as her mood, timing, and the environment, before complimenting. Because she reacts differently in different scenarios.

Part 2: How NOT To Compliment A Girl On Her Looks?

Now, after discussing how you can give her a compliment without being judgy or creepy, let’s talk about things to avoid and consider when complimenting a girl, especially on her appearance. Well, not only in a formal but also in a friendly setting, you want to be careful with these points to not make her feel uncomfortable with your compliments. 

How to compliment a girl on her looks

1. Be sure that it’s not  ‘too much’.

Your compliment to a girl, whether she’s your crush, friend, girlfriend, or even wife, you don’t want to be too much. It makes you look desperate if you know her well and creepy when she doesn’t know you well.

2. Be sure that your compliment has no secret purpose.

Why do you compliment a girl? That’s the main question. You might have some goal or reason. She knows it, for sure. After all, she’s a woman. When you compliment her for no reason but to appreciate her, then you can go ahead. 

3. There’s a limit; don’t cross.

No matter how close you two are. Still, you have to keep a limit when complimenting a girl. The point is you don’t want to bore her or make her feel uncomfortable with your words of praise. Respect her and her space, always. 

4. Avoid complimenting her physical appearance at all costs.

We have to mention it here as well. At any cost, you want to avoid compliments that are only about her physical appearance. There is a strong possibility that you will come off as creepy if you focus on her looks only. And mention such words in your compliments.

5. It’s a compliment about her, not about you.

“Everyone calls me lucky because of you” or “I love how you look at me”, compliments like these sound more about you than her. If you say so, you come off as so self-centered that you have more focus on her being with you than her uniqueness. 

6. You don’t want to say what most guys say to girls.

The most common mistake guys make when complimenting a girl is that they go, ‘You’re the most beautiful girl I know’ or ‘You’re better than my ex-girlfriend’. You don’t want to compliment them as if you were comparing her with others or something. 

She’s unique—a special one. So treat her that way. 

To do it right, you also want to refer to these best compliment ideas for a girl anytime.

Final Thoughts

Overall, we know that you want to make her feel special as she is—by complimenting her in the right way. So, you want to be genuine, specific, and, in the end, give her what the truth is.

She is more than her looks, so it’s safe to know how to compliment a girl on her looks without being creepy.

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