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Looking For a Dog? Adopt a Dog in India

Dogs are considered a man’s best friend, and indeed they truly are. Do you want a doggo? A good boy (the dog) who will be with you till the end of his life? Adopting a dog in India is not as easy as it may seem, many number of factors have to be kept into consideration and then a well-thought decision has to be passed out. In this article, you will understand how to adopt a dog in India.

Before buying a pet from private sectors, consider whether you are ready to adopt a dog from a shelter. Truly speaking, it is not only a noble gesture but also a life-saving action. Usually, there are no government-run institutions that regulate and establish various shelters on a national basis. Nevertheless, every shelter strives to provide public-safety, find supporters as well as protect the health and welfare of all rescued animals.

How to Adopt a Dog in India – Steps to Follow

Adopt! Don’t Shop – Go to Shelters

Dog shelter

Shopping of animal should not be encouraged. The show breed dogs are maintained healthily and are in good condition, whereas other dogs or most commonly the street dogs are not taken care of, they are dogs too, maybe not a high-quality breed, but they too deserve a chance to a good life. Even good breed dogs are found abandoned by their owners as the owners would not treat them right and just leave them on the side of the road on their own. So, by adopting a dog, you will give them a second life.

You can go to dog shelters to get connected to the dogs given shelter there. The dogs may seem scared as there are chances, they have a very traumatic past, but you should try to be sympathetic to them.

Decide for an Appropriate Breed

Dog sleeping

You should firstly know that you have to keep certain things in mind before adopting a dog. The dog will be a new part of your family; it’s life will be important no less than of a human. You should know what breed of dog would be a good fit for your lifestyle.

Expenditure on dogs is variable from dog to dog. You should run a background check on what is the cost of living for the dog you want to adopt. Your house should also be of the proper size; you or a family member of yours must devote some time of the day to the dog to take it for a walk, cleaning its poop, grooming the dog, etcetera.

You should research the breed of dog you want to adopt and check all its facts as you should be ready for whatever the dog would demand in the future. Every dog, according to its age or breed or their past experience, can behave very unpredictable way, you have to be patient and make them the best version of themselves.

Know About the Medical Condition Before Adopting

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You will have to know about the medical history of the dog before adopting him. A dog can have as many complications within himself as a human, so it is absolutely essential and a very basic thing to do. You should be aware beforehand about all the care and medical attention the adopted dog will have to be given. As mentioned earlier you should be able to afford the expenses of dog not limiting to the daily care but also to the expenses related to its health and training the dog.

Complete the Adoption Process

Dog laughing

After completing the decision-making process of adopting a dog, you will have to finally do it, you will have to complete all the procedures for adopting a dog. You will have to provide documents asked by the shelter to ensure that you will not mistreat the animals. They may run background checks for the safety of the dog. You can also train a stray dog and give him shelter in your house by providing him a far better life than he was living in the streets.
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Take the Dog Home

Take the dog home

By successfully complying with the process you will be able to take the dog home. You will have to give the dog some time to cope up and adjust with the new lifestyle he has been provided with. You should take him to the vet and give him all the vaccines that are necessary. A living creature in your house is another family member who is born to spread love and joy.
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What Encourages People to Adopt a Dog?

Today YouTube is overwhelmed with heartbreaking videos about various stories, which melt the coldest hearts. By deciding to adopt an animal from a shelter, people should realize that each pet has its own sad story. Every dog has feelings, visible and recognizable emotions, attachment to his owner, an ability to be trained and habits formation. People, who bring dogs from a shelter, tend to change their own lives and the life of a pet for the better.

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A Way to Be Active

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Having a dog means not only having a lot of fun, but also a possibility to stay active together. A pet grants nearly two walks a day to your life, running or jogging, early wake ups, and other activities. Each puppy has plenty of energy to get rid of, which everyone can observe, share, film and post in social networks. It can become a superstar with thousands of subscribers. You should be prepared to devote a lot of your time to your dog, check that service, which will help save your time. The truth is that regular and boring life is going to be changed forever.

Important Things to Be Aware Of.

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First and foremost, dog adoption is not free. Each procedure may cost from 50 up to 500 EUR. This price includes various treatment and care services as well as insurance that a client is serious about his intentions and is ready to take responsibility for his actions. Another critical moment is character development. Choosing a dog considering its size, color, or length of fur is a big and common mistake. The good idea is to visit a shelter for a few days in a row and spend time with different dogs. This will help you to find not only a great looking pet but also a suitable character.
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How ‘Dangerous’ Is It?

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Having a dog means being responsible for its life. Adopt a pet is an even bigger responsibility due to the risk of something going wrong. Except for inconveniences with character, there is always a risk of various illnesses. An average shelter has up to 400 dogs. All of them are clean and cared, but not all of them passed an inspection. There is a chance that a new owner has to take care of his pet and provide him with necessary medicines. However, the cards are worth playing.

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