
Growing a Herb Garden For Dummies

Have you noticed in cooking shows how the chefs routinely visit their home garden to procure fresh herbs for the meal?

There is something so charming, delightful, and alluring about this practice. 

However, it doesn’t have to be reserved for the professionals. Growing a  garden is easier than it seems. 

Read on to make your garden fantasy a reality. This beginner’s guide will examine the steps involved in growing a herb garden. 

In no time, you’ll have fresh garden-to-table ingredients. 

Select Your Herbs

This is one of the most fun steps in putting together a herb garden. There are countless options to choose from. Rosemary, basil, and thyme are some of the most common, but it depends on what you like to eat. 

If you are new to this, consider growing a small herb garden. As you get better, you can grow your selection. 

If you are not sure, there are many garden kits that can help you get started. 

Find a Spot

Choosing the right location is critical. Your outdoor herb garden can be planted in the ground or in an elevated planter. 

Regardless of which you choose, there are some things to consider. The garden needs to be tended to every day, As such make sure the location is accessible. The plants will also need about 6 hours of sunlight. Plan the location accordingly. 

Seeds or Plants?

You may know what type of herbs you want, but should you begin with seeds or plants?

Starting with seeds is the cheaper option and you will have more variety at the stores. However, this process will take much longer to grow.

Alternatively, many garden centers will sell seedling forms of popular herbs. These will cost more. Yet, when you start with a plant, you have a better success rate and faster growth. 

Prepare the Bed 

No matter which style of herb you start with, it’s important to remember these plants are still young. 

Planting mix and potting soil will give these growing herbs the nutrients and root support they need.


The next step is planting. Seeds don’t need deep holes. Press them into the soil at a depth of three times the width. With plants, dig twice as deep as the roots. 

In both cases, give them space to grow. 

Label Plants

As soon as you plant them, add labels. It’s very easy to forget which herb is which. Weatherproof labels will come in handy when it’s time to start picking and cooking.

Water Regularly 

Keep an eye on the moisture of the plants. Depending on your climate, the watering routines will change. 

One rule of thumb to consider is to water the herbs any time the soil is dry to the touch. About one inch of water a week is good for new plants. 


Growing a Herb Garden is Easy

After reading the steps involved in growing a herb garden, what do you think? The process is a piece of cake. It takes some tending and patience, but it will all be worth it when you taste fresh herbs.

If you enjoyed this article, stick around the blog for more home and lifestyle ideas.  


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