How to trust your gut and avoid the wrong person

How to Trust Your Gut in Relationships and Avoid the Wrong Person

Times change, but the story is the same. You meet someone new, and they seem nice, maybe even a little too nice. Your first date seems perfect: you go to the place you like, they laugh at your jokes (even the bad ones), and you’re already mentally picking out your future kids’ names. But then, out of nowhere, your gut whispers, “Something’s not right.” You ignore it because, hey, they’re really cute and own a dog, so how bad can this person be? However, the inner voice persists over time, and eventually… Eventually, you realize you should have listened.

The truth is, your intuition is wiser than you think. It’s always there, quietly guiding you away from life’s romantic failures, but you’ve got to listen to it. Trusting your intuition and body’s signals is more than just a mystical concept from books; it’s a way to survive on the love front. Your gut feeling urging you to avoid certain people could be the relationship advisor you didn’t realize you needed.

The Intuition Knows Before Your Brain Does

Your intuition is strongly connected to your body. Psychic advisors at often receive requests like this: “I think I met the right person. We have fun, he laughs at my weird jokes, and we understand each other at the highest level. When I first saw him, I felt butterflies in my stomach. But still… I feel something is wrong.” A professional advisor pays attention to your body signals and knows that your intuition gives you a sign. Their job is to notice it and explain why your body and gut feeling act like this.

How does it work? Your body picks up on tiny red flags your conscious mind may overlook. Maybe it’s the way they talked about their ex or how they looked a little too happy when you said you trusted people too fast in a previous relationship.

However, most of us don’t trust it. We rationalize, we explain away the weird feelings, and we convince ourselves that it’s “nothing.” Then, months later, we’re sitting there, post-breakup, wondering how we missed the giant neon sign that said, “Danger! Run, Forrest, run!” 

Good news: you didn’t miss these red flags — your gut feeling was telling you something is not right. Bad news: you just ignored your inner voice.

Ignoring the signs is equivalent to entering into a burning building because it still looks cute from its exterior. Sure, the flames may not reach you straight away, but they will soon. You’re going to get burned. Every. Single. Time.

But What If You’re Just Being Paranoid?

Probably, now you’re thinking: “But what if it’s just my anxiety talking?” Great question. There’s a difference between intuition and paranoia, and it’s important to know which one is talking. Nobody wants to let someone special go because of the inner misunderstanding.

The voices of paranoia and intuition are different in tonality. Intuition speaks quietly. It is easy to put it aside and not pay attention to it if you wish. With paranoid thoughts, such a maneuver will not be possible. Paranoia screams and keeps you awake at night: “It’s not right! You’re being cheated on like always! You’ll never have a relationship; you better not even start it! You better get another cat now!”

Often, paranoia is accompanied by a rush of adrenaline: you start shaking and want to run away right now. Intuition (unfortunately) does not have such an ability.

Intuition is delicate. Paranoia is dramatic. Intuition isn’t based on fear; it’s based on observation — picking up on tiny cues, reading the room, and sensing when things are a little off. Paranoia is your fear telling you that something terrible will happen no matter what. The goal is to learn to trust your instincts while not allowing anxiety to dictate your decisions.

How To Listen to Your Intuition

When you meet someone, you need to start treating your gut feeling as it deserves. Easier said than done, right? It’s possible, though.

Being on a date, take a moment to check in with yourself. How do you feel? No, not how they make you feel — this question is a huge field for jumping into sentimentality. How do you feel on your own? Do you feel comfortable, calm, and can be yourself? Or you’re blinking at something and afraid to say the wrong thing?

If it’s the latter, your gut feeling is speaking. Maybe the person you’ve met is great on paper, but if you feel uneasy or find yourself questioning their moves, that’s your gut telling you, “Hey, maybe this isn’t right.”

Learn to recognize these small signs before they turn into giant relationship red flags. If you are unsure and it is difficult for you to make a sound judgment, turn to someone for advice: a friend or a psychic.

Also read: What To Do When You Miss Someone?

Conclusion: Trust Yourself to Save Your Heart

Your intuition is always there, silently urging you in the right direction. The most difficult part is learning to listen to it, especially when the wrong person smells fantastic, has the best smile, or you already adore this person’s dog, and it loves you back. However, the more you listen to yourself and your true feelings about this person, the clearer it’ll get.

At the end of the day, trusting your intuition means trusting yourself. Even if you’re already in a relationship with the wrong person, you need to take care of yourself and get your own back. The wrong person can change you inside, make you second-guess your feelings, and leave you confused. Your gut isn’t trying to ruin your love life and leave you single forever — it’s out to save it and help you dodge the heartbreak you know is coming if you stick around too long. So, the next time you feel that little butterfly moving in your stomach, pay attention. Trust your intuition, and you might save yourself from a lot of pain. Or, at the very least, a few bad dates.

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