Tips to be a better golfer

5 Smart Tricks to make you a better Golfer

Golf is a very important game for the sports lover. Golf is a game which doesn’t need a lot of stamina and effort to be played, but it requires accuracy and precision. Golf is a game in which you must have a specific technique and skill to play a good shot. Golf is a lengthy game and requires a lot of distance to be covered by the ball to make the game proceed. In golf, your equipment must be good and efficient like you must have best golf shoes to play the game. Golf is a very good game to improve your strength of arms and elbows as the regular swing to hit the ball is an excellent exercise for this purpose. Golf is a game which can also release your stress when needed. This game is a vital psychologically as it freshens the mind of a person to provide him with comfort. In the new trend, this game is usually played by elders especially after their retirement as they can spend their free time enjoying golf. As golf is a great game to play on a regular basis, everybody wants to know how to improve their golfing skills. There are five efficient and smart tricks to make you a better golfer.

#1 Better golf ball

If you want to win a golf game, you just need to cover the yards as earlier as possible. To cover this distance, you can use the best golf ball for longer distances. This ball is less resistive in the air so covers more distance. The projectile gets better acceleration with the help of this ball so that you can cover a higher distance with even comparatively less magnitude swing. This golf ball is even important for weak people who can’t hit the ball hard. With this ball, they can cover a larger distance.

Also Read : How soccer benefits to maintain a great body.

#2 Increase the distance from pivot at the start

Pivot is the point where the force acts to hit the ball. With the increase in distance from the pivot to the area where you hold your golf stick the magnitude of momentum applied to the ball even increases. With higher force, you can get a much higher momentum to cover a higher distance. At the start of the game, you need to cover higher distance so this factor can be important. The disadvantage of increasing the distance is that your accuracy and precision decreases.

#3 Increase the distance release point of the stick at the start

With an increase in the distance of the release point your ball can cover more distance.

#4 Decrease the distance from pivot at the last stages

With the decrease in distance from the pivot, you can guarantee better accuracy to plot the ball.

#5 Decrease the distance of release point of the stick at the last stages

During the end of your strike, you need to cover less distance as the hole gets nearer. So less distance of release point can help you get better chances of plotting.

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