Ways to make your friendship work like a charm

7 Ways to Make Your Friendship Work like a Charm

You might be facing a lot of problems in managing your friends, trust issues or believing if they will be there or not. With the following tips, get ready to make your friendship work like a charm.

1. Be Honest and Bold

Being honest may not get you a lot of friends quote

Whatever happens don’t hesitate to boldly speak the truth even if your friend has screwed up few things. Because one can rectify their mistakes only if they know that they have made one.
Besides, this will also generate a sense of trust between both of you because he/she will know that you prefer to speak on face and won’t be speaking behind their back.

2. Know Common Interests

Know common interests of your friends

Bonding is possible only when two of you have something common to do and talk about. For most guys, work-outs, adventure trips and biking can work wonders while most girls bond over shopping, pedicures, manicures and other beauty stuffs.

3. Friend in Need

Harvey specter and mike ross friends in worse conditions

Be that friend who reaches out to help even in the worse conditions, and for once doesn’t even care about his priorities.

Believe me, nothing increases bonding more than this. And what more you’ll be remembering these incidences even after a long time because it had a significant impact on your overall friendship.

4. Go out for Trips

Go out for trips with your friends

Be it an adventure trip or cycling/biking trip or trekking, most memories are created away from hometowns. Doesn’t matter even if it’s a one or two day trip because what’ll matter is the experience that you had.

Don’t forget to check: 9 Ways to Take a Break from Your Busy Life

5. Never Befriend Enemies

Never befriend enemies

One important thing is that you never even try to befriend your friend’s enemies. If you have some people with whom your friend doesn’t feel comfortable with then try avoiding such circumstances.

Befriending them would only lead to decrease in bonding and lead to doubts about your loyalty.

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6. Never Be Jealous

Never be jealous

You never become jealous of your friend’s success; instead you join in the celebration of his success. Also you appreciate his efforts and let him know that he deserved it.

Jealousy would only lead him/her to believe that you are not happy and don’t wish good for them.

7. Show Your True Side

Show your true side

At first you may feel hesitating to remove that mask of formality in front of your friend but the faster you remove that, stronger your friendship would be. This would lead to show him/her the real you and get comfortable and acquainted with that part.

These tips will definitely improve your thinking towards friendship and how you value it. Do not forget to share your ideas in the comments below.

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  1. Great thoughts.
    I also believe that we should make the effort to turn “online” friends into “real-world” friends by meeting up.

  2. Kirti Vora says:

    Don’t you think that it is normal to get jealous of your friend? As it is normal human tendency.

  3. Also, there can be times where you and your friends don’t have the same likes and dislikes for a particular thing.
    Instead of fighting over who is correct, be respectful of these differences.

  4. Pritesh Sadani says:

    Very well written blog. Completely helpful, more such blogs awaited.

  5. Ronak Maheshwari says:

    I agree to almost all the points mentioned here, except the fifth one as it isn’t nice to avoid people just because your friend doesn’t like that person. If you start doing that it would make your network smaller and filled with a single type of people.

    1. Harsh Gandhi says:

      Yes, your point is right (Ronak Maheshwari) Thanks for bringing it to my notice. Will surely make some changes. Looking forward to more comments from you. 🙂

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