Recreate your favorite characters voices. Text to speech

Recreate Your Favorite Characters Voices

Text to speech is a surprisingly booming field that not many know about. Almost every company or industry has a use for this technology, and we see it everywhere, whether we realize it or not! It greatly benefits those with visual impairments and also assists in education for just a few uses.

While many wonder how text to speech can evolve to be further useful, industries all over the world are making huge investments into the text to speech technology to bring the most out of their software. An example of this technology is text to speech robots or bots that can automatically read the text and convert them into sounds we hear, sometimes in voices we might already recognize from our favorite bits of media.

The Voices That Can Be Made

As time has gone on, these bots have gotten advanced enough to do this almost instantaneously. You just feed a bot some text, and it’ll quickly speak that text right back at you based on the audio repository to pull from.

People use text to speech bots in a variety of different ways. There are common uses like customer service and educational platforms. But there are some surprising ways this technology has been applied. For example, it can recreate the sounds of famous characters across entertainment. Bots are to produce audio that sounds very similar to pre-existing sources with high accuracy.

Voice clips are analyzed from the source and then used to impersonate not only a character’s voice. But their speaking styles and inflections as well. With this, you can get Darth Vader to recite your favorite poem. Or have Iron Man give you directions while you drive. Or have Spongebob Squarepants read your kid’s favorite stories to them.

Related: How to Use VoiceOver on Mac

How Can they be Created

You might be wondering how these voices can get recreated without their original actors. It’s because real-time text to speech algorithms and bots are constantly analyzing sources of sounds to recreate. In the example above, to recreate Spongebob’s voice, a text to speech algorithm combs through hours upon hours of footage. Taking a look at every bit of sound the character has ever uttered while separating it from unusable noise such as music, sound effects, or other characters speaking at the same time. Once enough data is available, then usable speech takes no time to create.

This process is a lot harder than just generating a normal human voice because oftentimes characters have much more limited sources to pull from. For example, it’ll be a little hard to create a database for Pikachu. Since all it ever says is the word “Pikachu” but for characters like Homer Simpson, with thousands of hours of dialogue to pull from, it’s considerably easier.

In spite of the challenges, however, text to speech robots are capable of some wonderful creations. Many are hoping that advances come quickly, including more realistic-sounding speech and even faster processing. As long as the voices are out there, they use it for surprisingly great effect. Which will only sound more realistic and natural as this technology evolves.

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