3 Reasons to Upgrade Your HVAC System

One of the most comforting sounds at home is when the air conditioner hums on to regulate indoor temperatures when the outdoor is unbearable. With that in mind, a functional HVAC system is one of the most important home appliances which must be well maintained.

For some people, good maintenance is using the same HVAC system for over a decade making frequent repairs until it dies one day. Only then can they spend money on a whole new system. Granted, it seems more feasible to replace only the broken parts.

But, a little-concealed truth about that ages-old system you might not know is that certain rooms have to endure hot and cold spells and a single part might need replacing several times before the system can work optimally. On the contrary, constantly upgrading your system not only saves you money but automatically signs you up to the club of people taking a proactive approach towards global energy conservation.

Improve Home Energy Efficiency

Many older HVAC systems don’t run optimally, and need to be upgraded to more energy efficient systems. Unlike the newer systems, these older models produced more than 10 years ago waste large amounts of energy, driving up utility bills.

When shopping for a new HVAC system, confirm that it meets Energy Star standards. Energy Star is an energy-efficiency program that enforces federal energy-efficiency standards on all endorsed appliances.

Another way to improve air efficiency is by zoning, a technique that involves dividing your home into many different cooling zones. Older HVAC systems typically treat your home as a single zone, constantly cooling the whole unit, which can be costly if there are rooms you use less often. This approach isn’t energy efficient as some rooms need cooling more than others.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

If you’re like most people, you spend 87 percent of your time indoors resting and doing various tasks. You might say the air quality inside your home is of utmost importance.

But, here’s the sad news: Older HVAC systems just aren’t cut out for today’s indoor quality demands. Additionally, few older systems can accommodate add-ons such as whole-home dehumidifiers, ventilators, and air purifiers. A newer model can rid your entire home of pollutants, allergens, and any of the harmful airborne chemicals.

Accommodate New Technology

Sometimes, an HVAC system demands a total redesign, especially in pursuit of the above two benefits. New technology allows homeowners to the choice of targeted cooling systems.

Ductless mini-split systems also referred to as mini-split systems, is one such trending technology. Unlike older models, these units don’t require ductwork, eliminating the cause of 20 to 30 percent of energy loss in the typical HVAC system. The problem is, you can’t enjoy these benefits with an old HVAC model if it’s already installed. The alternative is to upgrade the whole system.

While regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of an HVAC system, sometimes yours needs replacing. If your system is over ten years old, facing constant repairs, or just not cutting it, consider upgrading to a newer, more efficient one today.

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