
How Much Does It Usually Cost to Store a Boat?

Did you know that on average people spend 10 days or less on their boat every year?

That means that during the rest of the year, you’re going to need somewhere to store it.

If you’re a new boat owner or thinking of getting a boat, you may be wondering about the cost to store a boat.

Read on as we take a look at how much storing a boat will typically cost.

Types of Boat Storage

The cost of boat storage will depend on the type of storage option that you choose. There are three main types of boat storage options available.

Outdoor Boat Storage

Outdoor boat storage is exactly as it sounds. Your boat will be stored in a secure outdoor storage area, but as it is outdoors, there won’t be much protection from the elements.

This is still a preferable option to just leaving your boat outdoors in a yard or garage, however, as it means you don’t have a boat eating up all your space, and the outdoor boat storage is probably going to be more secure. You can read more about choosing the right type of storage for your boat.

Outdoor boat storage is the cheapest option. Expect outdoor boat storage to set you back about $20 to $40 per linear foot of boat for a season of storage.

Covered Boat Storage

The next cheapest option is covered boat storage. Your boat will still be stored outdoors, but it will be under a freestanding shelter that will protect it from the elements.

Sun exposure can cause serious damage to your boat, so covered boat storage is a good way to get some protection from the sun at an affordable price. Expect to pay about $30 to $50 per linear foot for covered outdoor storage.

Indoor Boat Storage

The most expensive option is also the option that offers the most protection.

Indoor boat storage keeps your boat completely protected from the elements and is also the most secure storage method.

You can expect to pay around $7 to $10 per square foot for indoor boat storage. At first glance, this seems much less than the other options, but outdoor prices are usually quoted per linear foot with indoor storage quoted per square foot.

This is because outdoors, space is less of a premium, so prices are only based on the length of your boat. Indoors, you’ll need to multiply the length of your boat by the width, meaning your square footage will be significantly more than your linear footage.

Now You Know the Cost to Store a Boat

If you were looking to find out the cost to store a boat then we hope that this article has been of some use.

As you have learned, the cost depends on the type of storage option you choose. You’ll need to weigh up the costs against the pros and cons of each type of storage to determine the best fit for your needs.

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