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5 Factors that Positively Impact a Work Culture

When employees search for jobs today, they seek more than just good pay. Their goal is to work in an environment conducive to displaying their skills and enjoying their time. They want a workplace that makes them want to come to work every day.

Many studies have shown that a cut-throat environment is not productive for the company, whereas a positive work environment leads to employee retention and an improved bottom line. It’s clear that these findings contradict the popular belief that stress and pressure are good for productivity. Both factors not only decrease productivity but also negatively affect health. Health care expenditures are 50% more in companies that promote high-pressure work than in companies that offer slow-paced environments. According to the American Psychological Association, the US economy loses around $500 billion due to workplace stress. In other words, companies might be pushing their employees hard to meet greater targets and earn more money, but they are oblivious of these hidden outflows.

Engagement at the workplace is associated with feeling valued, respected, and supported, which is rarely the result of a hostile work environment. Organizations that have strict and stress-inducing leaders negatively impact employees’ heart health. The stress created in a negative environment leads to disengagement, which is costly. Thus, to make sure employees reach their full potential and the business reaches the height of success, companies must hire leaders who know how to create a positive work culture.

How do MBA graduates help in bringing positive culture?

MBA programs often include courses in organizational culture, change management, conflict resolution, and organizational behavior. The study of these subjects cultivates leadership abilities. Organizational change increasingly means developing and influencing corporate cultures.

Today, employers prefer leadership skills in their business graduates to influence work culture positively with an MBA degree owing to their theoretical and practical knowledge in these areas. Leadership skills are important to foster positive changes in the organization and motivate employees to achieve company goals for the mutual benefit of employees and employers. Some factors can positively impact an organization’s culture; here is a summary of them.

Team-based collaborations

A company’s culture can greatly improve where team-based collaborations are standard practice. Individuals are social beings; hence, they like to spend time with their peers, discuss their ideas, and influence others. Organizations that encourage their employees to collaborate on various projects lead to open communication, development of empathy, and a sense of helping others. Employees in these organizations tend to have healthy competition, contrary to a desire to belittle, let down other colleagues, and persistent harboring of vendetta. When employees feel a sense of unity by working in cooperative teams and projects, they develop a drive to reach mutual goals and seek each other’s advice. Moreover, they understand that the organizational goals are much bigger than them.

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Open communication

Open communication is another factor that develops positive cultures. It implies that all employees have the same information and know what targets to achieve and the deadlines to meet. Nothing is more exasperating than not knowing what the management expects from you. This can create a sense of ambiguity, detrimental to positive work cultures. On the contrary, precise and timely communication is an important ingredient in developing a conducive work environment.

Open communication is possible when employees have access to their management to discuss their problems. Managers should provide employees with timely feedback to increase performance. Feedback should be a balance between areas where employees need to improve and encouragement that keeps their morale high.

Additionally, managers should provide a channel for workers to exchange ideas with each other. All the horizontal and vertical communication in the organization should stick to the three principles of communication: clear, concise, and authentic communication.

Focus on work-life balance

It is common for result-driven organizations to lose sight of employees’ individual lives. As employees are pressured to work overtime and reach their company goals, their families and other obligations take a back seat. An environment that does not respect employee’s life outside of work tends to lose productive employees and instead promotes a hostile work culture.

Organizations that still adhere to the old principle of “work-till-you-drop” and “earn as much as you work” must understand that these principles have become obsolete now. Today, top talents value their lives more than their additional rewards for overwork.

When employees neglect their life outside the four walls of their office for an extended time, it can create stress in their personal and professional life, ultimately affecting their productivity at work. To develop a positive culture, it is important that employees not consider themselves as animals caged in a zoo. They must control their professional lives, helping them fit their personal lives with work. An organization that supports work-life balance has employees loyal to its goals.

Performance inducing Reward system

The reward system is not only attractive to kids but is also important for adults in organizations. When employees’ work is recognized with monetary and non-monetary incentives, it significantly boosts morale. While praise and encouragement should be a part of a regular work environment, companies should develop formal rewards systems to pay the employees for their performance. Informal rewards include notes, cards, gifts, and the like. These small, seemingly trivial things can positively change the work culture over time.

A strong sense of purpose

Creating a strong sense of purpose is like a lighthouse that gives you direction and helps you stay close to your goals. Developing a sense of purpose is a hallmark of thriving businesses today. But it starts with a set of undeterred core values reflected in the organization’s long-term goals.

For instance, if a company’s long-term goal is to develop and nurture its employees, it formulates employee development plans. They may conduct frequent training, send their employees to professional training, or get a professional degree. New employees feel more confident about their career and personal development with such precedence and examples in place. When organizations show dedication towards their employees, the latter surely pay back with more loyalty and a sense of purpose.

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Developing a positive organizational culture is a gradual process, but it cannot be achieved easily. It takes a collective effort of everyone working in the organization, from top management to the lowest tier employees. A positive work culture promotes healthier collaboration, improves performance and productivity, less conflict, and more role clarity. Therefore, it is essential to develop a positive and conducive work environment.

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