Comments for childhood pictures

68 Best Comments for Childhood Pictures on Instagram

We all love looking at old pictures from our childhood, Right? 

After all, such old pictures give us the opportunity to look back on those lived days with the best memories and great times we had. 

Found someone nearest just posted a pic from their childhood? Or the best friend who tagged you in the childhood image that included an older version of you?

Then, keep reading as we will provide you some interesting comments to leave on such childhood pics that make their day, as wel. 

Best Comments for Childhood Photos on Instagram

Whether you’re on Facebook and Instagram, after seeing cute baby pictures in your feeds, you can hardly stop yourself from making a genuine comment on it. But, if you don’t get the right words to express your best feelings in the images, then we can help. 

Let me share some awesome comments for childhood photos that you can use instead of just leaving emojis or random words you have in mind at the moment.

Comments for childhood photos

  1. Just look at those beautiful eyes. 
  2. Awww, he’s so adorable.
  3. Her smile is so healing and refreshing. 
  4. We all just want to go back in time and live our childhood again. 
  5. There was a time when you used to steal everyone’s hearts. 
  6. Such a cute baby he is. We need more pictures of him. 
  7. Childhood: Undoubtedly, the best phase of our entire life. 
  8. We all need that curiosity that a kid’s eyes have. 
  9. Happiness is seeing childhood pictures with family and friends. 
  10. I cannot recognize you at all. Such a sweet and innocent baby you were. 
  11. And I’m sure even if we have a chance to go anywhere through a time machine, most of us will prefer to go back to the past. Fact, indeed!!
  12. I wish someone would bring me back to those old days. 
  13. Nothing inspires me more than seeing childhood photos, realizing how life has changed after all these years. 
  14. If you have childhood pictures of yourself crying, you’re awesome. 
  15. Our lives are full of precious memories. 

Also read: Comments and Wishes For Newborn Baby Pictures

Cute Comments on Friends’ Childhood Pictures

As we grow in life, and as our life gets tougher every day, once in a while we have that sudden desire to go back in time when we were kids. In fact, our childhood is the most remarkable period of our lives. 

And if you just came across such childhood pictures of yours and friends, then it’s an opportunity to revive those old days.

Found your friend has just posted an old picture of you two from your childhood? Then here are the comments that you can leave to rewind those golden days’ memories.

Comments on friends childhood pictures

  1. Wow, what a great day that was!
  2. Hence it’s proved, Old is Gold. 
  3. As a kid, you were as cute as a doll. 
  4. When someone says treasure and we refer to this. 
  5. By the way, why were you crying during this pic? 
  6. I also like to review old pictures to see how far I have come. 
  7. If you aren’t embarrassed or laughing while looking at old photos, you didn’t enjoy your childhood well. 
  8. We both looked cute that time. But, we get cuter by the time. What do you say?
  9. Love this picture, bro. You were so chubby back then. 
  10. Thanks for posting this picture. So many memories within
  11. Oh my god, where did you get this picture? I want this. 
  12. Some things just never change in life. For instance, your naughtiness. 
  13. Just look at your past and present self, you haven’t grown up at all. 
  14. No idea what we were actually doing there, but it was kind of a great memory now. 
  15. Who can forget those wonderful times with such wonderful people? 
  16. You shared this post at the perfect time. I was thinking about those days.
  17. Those were the actual golden days. But I’m happy that I lived that every moment. 

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Sweet Comments for Childhood Memories Pictures

It really doesn’t matter if it’s your childhood pic or someone else’s, we all want to go back to those happy childhood memories. Well, we can’t send you back there, but we can give you an opportunity to have some great discussions over the old days. 

By commenting on childhood memories pictures that you find on any social media, you may refer to how you, your life, and everything around have changed. Plus, you can also track your desires at that time and where you are right now.

Comments for childhood memories pictures

  1. Such a golden day that was. No technology, no mobile, no social media, and still days full of excitement and adventures. 
  2. The only sad part about childhood is, it’s gone forever. And, you will never have it back again. 
  3. One of my favorite childhood memories is rushing home after school to watch cartoons.
  4. This is enough to remind us how fast time passes. Great picture.
  5. My only message to those who are younger than me is, live the moment and collect memories that will make you smile later. 
  6. There was a time when we used to grow fast. And here we are. 
  7. Sometimes you just have to recheck your old picture for inspiration. Agree?
  8. It’s not that past that hurt you. It’s your inability to learn the lesson.
  9. Any proud 90s here?
  10. This is proof that life keeps moving on. The same goes for us.
  11. I am amazed by the transformation you have gone through in your life.
  12. You were clever back then. Now you are smart, too. 
  13. I know I’m not the only one who got healed after checking old pictures.
  14. Take a moment to thank all your memories and the people who have made you what you’re today. 
  15. That was a time when we used to
  16. No money, no bills, no pressure. Just fun all day all time. 
  17. Thank you so much for these throwback pictures. Love them!
  18. Oh look at you. How you looked back then, Awesome transformation.
  19. Such a great era of our life. Life was really different then.
  20. I know this not going to happen, but still, I want to experience those times again. 
  21. Wow, those were the days when we had so much fun, I wish we never grew up.
  22. I’m feeling lucky to be part of such a great period of time.
  23. Seeing old pictures makes me feel so emotional. Those days!
  24. Thank you for sharing these precious pictures from our past.

Funny Comments On Friends’ Childhood Pic

Funny comments on friends’ childhood pic

Your friend just shared their childhood photo on Facebook and Instagram. Whether you find something hilarious or are just impressed with how your friend changed over time, there is a lot to say in the comment. If you need something funny to say on your friend’s childhood posts, here is the list for you. 

  1. The only thing that stays the same is the way you cry.
  2. Oh, look at this cute boy. What, is it you? It can’t be true. 
  3. No matter what you do, you will never be smart like this. 
  4. You can cry, buddy. Because you are not going to enjoy that life again. 
  5. I must say that In your childhood you were the cutest kid ever. 
  6. This is the only way to make me cry, just post something that reminds old times.
  7. Looking so beautiful back then. What happened to you now?
  8. Wish you were like this, even today. But, time has changed so far. 
  9. This is a perfect picture to explain how innocence fades over time. 
  10. No one knew how stupid this kid would be when he grew up. 
  11. Even in your childhood, you have a good dressing sense. Look at you now. 
  12. I don’t think you will ever remain calm in your entire life.

Read next: Comments for Engagement Photos Loved by Couples

Final thoughts: 

Rewinding childhood memories makes the best time of your free time. And in the time of social media and all, by posting pictures from our childhood we also allow our followers and online friends to recall wonderful childhood memories from their life, as well. 

We hope you like this post regarding comments for childhood pictures and it will be a little helpful to you, too. Moreover, if you have any ideas or suggestions that add value to this article, then feel free to let us know through the comment section below. 

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