Advantages of developing a mobile app Advantages of developing a mobile app

Do you run a business that caters to millennials? Do you operate a local franchise that wants to reach out to its customers? Are you a local photographer who loves capturing beautiful scenic photos and selling them through your app? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then investing in developing a mobile app is something you should look into. 

With the ever-changing digital landscape and the growing preference for mobile use, it’s evident that the world has gone mobile. As users, we don’t just access our favorite websites from desktop computers anymore. We browse on our mobiles, tablets, and laptops as well. Thankfully, with the rise in popularity of mobile apps over the past few years, businesses have also been able to take advantage of this trend. 

What is a mobile app?

A mobile app is a piece of software designed for smartphones and tablets. It is created specifically for these devices. Mobile apps facilitate quicker and easier access to information, services, and resources from anywhere at any time. They are designed in such a way that they function better and more effectively when compared to websites. With the rise in popularity of smartphones, it makes sense for businesses to take advantage of this trend, use Appkong.com services, and develop mobile apps.

The benefits of developing a mobile app for your business

The benefits of developing a mobile app for your business

There are a lot of reasons why you should consider developing a mobile app for your business. Some of these include the following: 

  • Increased reach. With the increased popularity of mobile apps, they have been able to unlock a whole new level of engagement with your customers. With an app, you can now target your audience in a more personal way as they can access your business anywhere they are, 24/7. Moreover, with apps, you can also reach out to people who are on the go as they can view your content without even having to get comfortable with a desk or a table. 
  • Better customer experience. The improved customer experience that mobile apps provide is one of their greatest benefits. With apps, you can now provide your customers with an even more convenient way to engage with your brand. Whether it’s through a more intuitive design or a more engaging format, you can always get creative with how you present your content. 
  • Better brand engagement. With more and more people opting to engage with businesses through their mobile apps, it’s easy to see how this has led to an increased level of brand engagement. With your customers being able to engage with your brand daily, you can always keep them motivated and remind them about your products and services.

Which type of app should you develop?

Which type of app should you develop

There are a lot of advantages to developing both an Android and an iOS app. However, if you’re still not sure if you should focus your efforts on developing an app for Android or iOS, then you should know that Android is the most used OS right now. So, if you want to increase your chances of making a profit, then it’s best to develop an Android app. 

However, it’s also worth noting that developing an app for either Android or iOS is really not that hard. With the right roadmap and a team of talented developers, you can create your app within a short period, and from start to finish, you can expect to hit completion within around 8-10 months.

Advantages of developing an Android app

  • Android has the highest global penetration rate: with 71% of the world’s mobile phone users being on Android, it’s a great place to start. Unlike iOS, which has a more restricted user base, Android has become a go-to choice for all mobile phone manufacturers. This means that you will have a much larger pool of potential customers to tap into and engage with your brand. 
  • The user base is growing: with more and more people turning to Android, you can be sure that the demand for apps is growing at an exponential rate. This means that there is a large potential market for your app, and you can tap into this demand by advertising and marketing your app to them. 
  • It is easy to monetize: with so many users, it’s easier than ever to make money. Through Android app stores, you can always expect to earn a good amount from in-app advertisements, paid upgrades, and paid downloads. This can help you cover your development cost and earn some extra money.

Advantages of developing an iOS app

  • Compared to Android, iOS has a much higher retention rate. This means that the users who download your app will spend more time using it than those who download content for Android. This can help you improve your brand engagement with the users who have downloaded your app and can help you retain your customers as well. 
  • iOS has the highest app monetization rate. With an estimated $123 billion projected growth in the next 5 years, iOS is undoubtedly the place to be when it comes to app monetization. With so many people downloading apps, it’s easier than ever to earn money from your app. Furthermore, you can always expect to receive a positive review from a customer who has paid for your app. 
  • Targeted user base. When developing an app for iOS, you can target a certain demographic of people. For example, you can develop an app that caters to parents who want to raise their kids in the best possible way. With a highly targeted user base like this one, you can expect to see a high level of engagement with your app.

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With the increasing preference for mobile apps, it’s clear that they are here to stay. No matter your industry or business model, there is a good chance that you can make a profit from developing an app. Keep in mind the advantages of developing a mobile app for your business, and make sure to look into the benefits of developing an Android app and an iOS one. Doing so will help you make the most out of this exciting digital trend.

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